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V4.8 (February 5, 2023)

727 new/updated SNDH files (1668 subtunes).

Here is the long awaited SNDH update!

However, from now on new SNDHs will be available as soon
as they are uploaded. But don't stress - we will still do 
yearly update packs

Quick highlights :-

+ All music releases from Atari parties since 2018
+ 0913 tunes by Ultrasyd
+ Lucasart tunes ripped by Meynaf
+ Tunes from the DIGIT tracker 1992
+ Mini-Sound-Machine tunes

More information can be found at the SNDH blog

Title					Composer

4 Years Endtheme			505	
And we are cracking on ...		505	
G. P. Telemann Funk			505	
Megademo Intro				505	
Merry SMXMAS and a Happy 2019		505	
Motus					505	
Orthodox				505	
Oxygene					505	
SMag-FX 1 intro				505	
SMagFX 4 Intro				505	
The Virtue of Failure			505	
Tinytune				505	
Twist					505	
A Plain New Day				607	
Drop the Liquorice			607	
Frost, Fright and Fairies		607	
Ik ben vandag zo vrolijk		607	
Out Of Tune				607	
Piep Piep Hallo!			607	
Rocks and Drops				607	
Spiegelbeeld				607	
Whistling Winds				607	
Brenarvious				!Cube	
Super Mega Ultra Turrican+		!Cube	
Threshold				!Cube	
how my snowman became an amputee	2a03fox	
Beastbusters				4-Mat	
What If					7an	
Hedgedog Piesojez			AceMan	
Silly Venture 2020 Invitro		AceMan	
Blonj Blan				AD	
Came Embert				AD	
Discored Unired				AD	
Moonshine				AD	
Water Detox				AD	
Bloodsucker Demo Hidden			Adrian Dalecki	
Invest					Adrian Dalecki	
Rolling Ronny A				Adrian Dalecki	
Rolling Ronny B				Adrian Dalecki	
Tailwind				aki	
1st Division Manager			Allister Brimble	All these fixed
Bignose The Caveman			Allister Brimble	
CJ's Elephant Antics			Allister Brimble	
Fantasy World Dizzy			Allister Brimble	
Fast Food				Allister Brimble	
Goal!					Allister Brimble	
Kamikaze				Allister Brimble	
Kwik Snax				Allister Brimble	
Mig 29 - Soviet Fighter			Allister Brimble	
Rampart					Allister Brimble	
Robin Hood - Legend Quest		Allister Brimble	
Sky High Stuntman			Allister Brimble	
Spellbound Dizzy			Allister Brimble	
Spellfire The Sorceror			Allister Brimble	
Super Seymour				Allister Brimble	
The Final Day				Allister Brimble	
adads					Amelia	
baba					Amelia	
bpomopop				Amelia	
dream sauce awakanang			Amelia	
A.N. Bass				AN Cool	
Bass Drum				AN Cool	
Fleas					Andrew Gower	
Elektraglide				Andy Severn	
Joe Blade 2				Andy Severn	
Rebirth					Anthony Rother	Unpacked as takes 30 seconds to depack!
Cosmic Pirate Empire Intro		Archimedes	
vombot makes a website on geocities	Argarak	
DragonST				atariBDSM	
Harlequin				Barry Leitch	Extra tunes
Xenophobe				Barry Leitch	Extra tunes
Zone Warrior				Barry Leitch	Extra tunes
Switchblade				Ben Daglish	Speed fix
Ambermoon				Big Alec	
Offbeat Demo Compilation Volume 1	Big Alec	
Uncensored parts 1 and 2		Big Alec	
Gauntlet 2				Bill Allen	
Ocean Loader v4				black	
Super Cycle				Bob Vieira	
Ensamhet				Britelite	
Starfall Humppa				Britelite	
Goofy's Railway Express			Carlo Perconti	
Mickeys Runaway Zoo			Carlo Perconti	
Flashbeer				Cerror	
Charge of the Light Brigade		Chris Denman	
Kenny Dalglish Soccer Match		Chris Denman	
Merchant Colony				Chris Denman	
Paladin 2				Chris Denman	
Trivia Game Show			Chris Denman	
Combo Racer Intro			Chris TGE	
Maggie 5 ULM intro			Chris TGE	
Ambition				Cornervizion	
Kohl Ohr Schock				Count Zero	
Curse of the High Coast			Crazy Q	
Darwins Dilemma				Crazy Q	
Darwins Dilemma End			Crazy Q	
Five Years SMFX				Crazy Q	
Game On					Crazy Q	
High Coast Acid				Crazy Q	
Keep It LOFI				Crazy Q	
MPC In Dalarna				Crazy Q	
No Screaming Pigs			Crazy Q	
Original Beat Maker			Crazy Q	
Street Life				Crazy Q	
SUE MY SHOES				Crazy Q	
The (fucking)(complex) Art Of Profanity	Crazy Q	
Grimey					Damo	
Maniac Mansion				Dan Filner	
Little Puff in Dragonland		Dave Kelly	
Ghostbusters 2 title			Dave Lowe	
Cybernoid				Dave Rogers	
Loom					David Hayes	
Championship Wrestling			David Thiel	
Winter Games				David Thiel	
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade	David Warhol	
Loom					David Warhol	
Maniac Mansion				David Warhol	
The Bards Tale				David Warhol	
Advanced Rugby Simulator		David Whittaker	All fixed for mono
APB					David Whittaker	
Archipelagos				David Whittaker	
Army Moves				David Whittaker	
Back to the Future 2			David Whittaker	
Beverly Hills Cop			David Whittaker	
Beyond The Ice Palace			David Whittaker	
BMX Simulator				David Whittaker	
Buffalo Bill				David Whittaker	
Challenge Golf				David Whittaker	
Chips Challenge				David Whittaker	
Chronoquest				David Whittaker	
Cloud Kingdoms				David Whittaker	
Cosmic Pirates				David Whittaker	
Crossbow - William Tell			David Whittaker	
Custodian				David Whittaker	
Dan Dare III				David Whittaker	
Days of Thunder				David Whittaker	
Defender of the Crown			David Whittaker	
Emlyn Hughes Arcade Quiz		David Whittaker	
Emlyn Hughes Football			David Whittaker	
Empire Strikes Back			David Whittaker	
Enduro Racer				David Whittaker	
European Champions			David Whittaker	
Eye of Horus				David Whittaker	
First Person Pinball			David Whittaker	
Future Sports				David Whittaker	
Garfield				David Whittaker	
Gazza 2					David Whittaker	
Gold of the Aztecs			David Whittaker	
Golden Axe				David Whittaker	
Goldrunner 2				David Whittaker	
Graham Gooch World Class Cricket	David Whittaker	
Grimblood				David Whittaker	
Hunter Killer				David Whittaker	
Ironlord				David Whittaker	
Jaws					David Whittaker	
Jupiter Master Drive			David Whittaker	
Leatherneck				David Whittaker	
Licence to Kill				David Whittaker	
Menace					David Whittaker	
Millennium 2.2				David Whittaker	
Mr Heli					David Whittaker	
Ninja Mission				David Whittaker	
Nitro Boost Challenge			David Whittaker	
Obliterator				David Whittaker	
Pandora					David Whittaker	
Panther					David Whittaker	
Platoon					David Whittaker	
Quadralien				David Whittaker	
Rampage					David Whittaker	
Renaissance				David Whittaker	
Renegade				David Whittaker	
Renegade - Andrew Tather mix		David Whittaker	
Return to Genesis			David Whittaker	
Road Blasters				David Whittaker	
Sidewinder				David Whittaker	Samples added
Skate Wars				David Whittaker	
Slapfight				David Whittaker	
Snoopy					David Whittaker	
Snowstrike				David Whittaker	
Speedball				David Whittaker	
Spitting Image				David Whittaker	
Sporting Triangles			David Whittaker	
Starblaze				David Whittaker	
Starray					David Whittaker	
Startrek				David Whittaker	
Starwars				David Whittaker	
Stormtrooper				David Whittaker	
Super Stuntman				David Whittaker	
Super Wonderboy				David Whittaker	
Supremacy				David Whittaker	
Tetris					David Whittaker	
The Real Ghostbusters			David Whittaker	
Total Recall				David Whittaker	
Verminator				David Whittaker	
Voodoo Nightmare			David Whittaker	
Warlock the Avenger			David Whittaker	
Weird Dreams				David Whittaker	
World Class Rugby			David Whittaker	
Wrath of the Demon			David Whittaker	
Wreckers				David Whittaker	
Xenon					David Whittaker	
Xenon 2					David Whittaker	
Zombi					David Whittaker	
Illusion Part 1				Deneb	
Flashbeer				DF0:BAD	
Unextreme				Dhor	
Kick Off				Dino Dini	
Autorama				DJ Thomas	
Surfing-on-a-Sine-Wave			djnzx48	
ATASCII in MMoDA			Dma-Sc	
Athanor 2 - Legend of the Birdmen	Dma-Sc
Biomechanical Physics			Dma-Sc	
Chilled out in Sweden			Dma-Sc	
Dread					Dma-Sc	
Fluffy Clouds				Dma-Sc	
Froggies ? Oh ! no offense...		Dma-Sc	
Galaxy Trip				Dma-Sc	
GemTos Invitro				Dma-Sc	
GemTos Tribute Sequence			Dma-Sc	
glADNess				Dma-Sc	
Hatari 2.1				Dma-Sc	
Lecons de Tenebres			Dma-Sc	
Lovetro Main Theme			Dma-Sc	
Melankoland				Dma-Sc	
MMoDA					Dma-Sc	
MMoDA Intro				Dma-Sc	
Modern Entertainers			Dma-Sc	
MYM PWM and cust wave jam		Dma-Sc	
Neverending Summer Love			Dma-Sc	
Safari Guns Cracktro			Dma-Sc	
Sommarhack 1991 Best Of			Dma-Sc	
Sommarhack 1991 Best Of Intro		Dma-Sc	
Son Shu Shi cracktro			Dma-Sc	
Son Shu Shi cracktro hidden		Dma-Sc	
Synthetic Persona			Dma-Sc	
The Party - Dub				Dma-Sc	
The Party - Intro			Dma-Sc	
The Party - Reggae			Dma-Sc	
The Rise of Love			Dma-Sc	
Tuned Caps & Sexy Chips			Dma-Sc	
UFO - I Want to Believe			Dma-Sc	
Unbelievable				Dma-Sc	
Unreachable				Dma-Sc	
Unstatik				Dma-Sc	
Whack a Virus!				Dma-Sc	
What Have You Done?			Dma-Sc	
Winter Troubadour			Dma-Sc	
0010 1010 +1				Dolby	
Acoustic Paradise			Dolby	
STNICCC 2000++				Dolby	
Block Out				Dorota Blaszczak	
Club Backgammon				Dorota Blaszczak	
Phantasie I				Dorota Blaszczak	
Phantasie II				Dorota Blaszczak	
Rings of Zilfin				Dorota Blaszczak	
Vegas Gambler				Dorota Blaszczak	
Pulsion 75				Dr Beat	
Alien-City				Draxx	
Anatevka (Musical)			Draxx	
Blast Off				Draxx	
Blink					Draxx	
I'm a lonely Bikin' Bear		Draxx	
Journey to the Stars			Draxx	
Kill MS-DOS and WINDOWS			Draxx	
MC Drax add the groovy Eumels		Draxx	
Rainblues				Draxx	
Spar-Rap				Draxx	
Whananaxx				Draxx	
Pressure Drop version 1			Dubmood	
Esprits Maths				Epic	
I Might As Well Be On Mars		Epic	
Kikoo Electra				Epic	
Kikoo Lap				Epic	
Metallica				Epic	
Vixit					Epic	
Vixit In His Bath			Epic	
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade	Eric Hammond	
Loom					Eric Hammond	
Dulcedo (C64 cover)			Estrayk	
Her Numbness (ST)			Estrayk	
Hybris					Estrayk	
OKS (Cover)				Estrayk	
Telephone (cover)			Estrayk	
Bubble Bobble Descend into Hell mix	Excellence In Art	
Demosong				Excellence In Art	
G. P. Telemann Funk			Excellence In Art	
Gubbdata 2020				Excellence In Art	
Just add cream				Excellence In Art	
Love Potion Level 4 (Hello)		Excellence In Art	
SMagFX 4 Intro				Excellence In Art	
Speechless				Excellence In Art	
Steps					Excellence In Art	
Pink Panther				Fabian Rosenschein	
Supremacy 18				FOFT	
Supremacy 20				FOFT	
African Raiders				Francois Peirano	
Monkeys & Balloons			Frank Cohen	
TSC 19					Frazer	
TSC 26					Frazer	
TSC Fettisdag Slideshow			Frazer	
Star Goose				Fred Gray	Fixed
Halftron				Frequent	
Level 41				Frequent	
Sid Jensen				Frequent	
Vrimmel (maxYMiser version)		Frequent	
Vrimmel (Triplex version)		Frequent	
Virtual Escape Unused			Furax	
Samotny Wilk				Garvalf	
Title0					Garvalf	
Title5					Garvalf	
Title7					Garvalf	
UCM 1 intro				Gary	
Avina Blue				Gary Wheaton	
Dance All Night				Gasman	
To The Ends Of The Earth		Gasman	
Loom					George Sanger	
Steve Davis World Snooker		Grant Evans	
Aggressive Hornet			gwEm	
Babylon Can Wait			gwEm	
Darkness				gwEm	
Psycho Hacking Force			gwEm	
Wicked Modulation			gwEm	
Monotheist				H0ffman	
Great Courts				Haiko Ruttmann	
Tom And The Ghost			Haiko Ruttmann	
Twinworld				Haiko Ruttmann	
dozing markou bot			Hanna	
Persian Gulf Inferno			Holger Gehrmann	
Synth Sample V				Holger Gehrmann	
Toxic Mag 16				ISO	
adggfjggfafafafa the song		Jakerson	
My SpaceRocket is facking Awesome	Jakerson	
vombot wat is that			Jakerson	
vombot you have to finish your homework	Jakerson	
watermelons				Jakerson	
Chopper X				Janko Mrsic Flogel	
Final Legacy				Janko Mrsic Flogel	
Haunted House				Janko Mrsic Flogel	
Space Station				Janko Mrsic Flogel	
ST Karate				Janko Mrsic Flogel	
ST Protector				Janko Mrsic Flogel	
Bof Bof					Jedi	
USS John Young				Jesper Kyd	
4K Memories (Revision 2022)		Jess	
Akira vs Sangoku vs Ip Man 		Jess	
Blip Bait For The Masses		Jess	
FirST Love (Hidden)			Jess	
FirST Love (Pt1)			Jess	
FirST Love (Pt2)			Jess	
FirST Love (Pt3)			Jess	
FirST Love (Pt4)			Jess	
FirST Love (Pt5)			Jess	
FirST Love (Pt6)			Jess	
FirST Love (Pt7)			Jess	
FirST Love (Pt8)			Jess	
FirST Love (Reset)			Jess	
Little -ME- Odyssey			Jess	
Metaverse Entertainment			Jess	
Ninja Turtle Syndrom			Jess	
Purrfect Cheetah			Jess	
PYM - The Cube				Jess	
Saw Toothed Tiger Finale		Jess	
Snow Leopard Overture			Jess	
The 3 Minstrels Awakening		Jess	
The Bobcat Delirium			Jess	
Rocket Ranger				Jim Simmons	
TV Sports Football			Jim Simmons	
Disciples of Steel main			Jim Smelley	
Pulsion 125				Joard	
Saint Dragon				John Croudy	
Voyager					Jonathan Dunn	
Toxic Mag 18				Kanewood	
Iceblox Plus				Karl Hornell	
Ultima III - Exodus			Ken Arnold	
Ultima IV - Quest of the Avatar		Ken Arnold	
ST Beermat				Kev Davis	
for some reason, the page is botb	Kleeder	
Wants action instead of homework	Kleeder	
Wietzes chiphol simulator		Knoedelkrauzk	
Make prods not war			kubikami	
Edtro					Kuckeliku	
Spice Boyz				Kuckeliku	
Starfield				Kuckeliku	
Starfield SID				Kuckeliku	
Cuevas De Los Tayos			Lotek Style	
Unrepairable (YM Version)		Lotek Style	
Mind Endurance				luchibobra	
Little Puff in Dragonland		Lyndon Sharp	
Archon					Mad Max	
Archon remix				Mad Max	
Arkanoid				Mad Max	
Arkanoid - SID				Mad Max	
Arpy					Mad Max	
Bangkok Knights - SID			Mad Max	
Bangkok Knights Loader			Mad Max	
Bangkok Knights Loader - SID		Mad Max	
Battle of Britain - SID			Mad Max	
Car Race - SID				Mad Max	
LAB - Loader - SID			Mad Max	
Pro BMX Simulator A			Mad Max	
Return to Medusa - SID			Mad Max	
Scoop thats the Way It is - SID		Mad Max	
So Watt - No Crew			Mad Max	
So Watt - No Crew - SID			Mad Max	
Starball digi				Mad Max	
The Seven Gates of Jambala remix	Mad Max	
To Be On Top				Mad Max	
Wings Of Death				Mad Max	
Wings of Death STe			Mad Max	
Gitarr					Marcer	
Hamma					Marcer	
World Championship Soccer		Mark Cooksey	
Robocop 2				Matthew Cannon	Paul Hughes confirmed composer
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders	Matthew Kane	
Run the Gauntlet			Mcasso	Fixed
Datastorm 2017 invite			MCH	
DigiSTories				MCH	
Green Beard				MCH	
Mutative				MCH	
Saguro					MCH	
Chilicon Valey				Mephistow	
Dead Society				Mephistow	
Electric Sound				Mephistow	
Enigmatica				Mephistow	
Jysteris				Mephistow	
Dreamless				Mic	
Cobra II				Michel Winogradoff	
Dark Sat				Michel Winogradoff	
Guardians				Michel Winogradoff	
Mach 3					Michel Winogradoff	
Leisure Suit Larry 3			Mike Dana	
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade	Mike Davies	
Italy 90				Mike Davies	
Kuba Club Mix Pack 2			Mikee	
Chipface				Miq	
Not-Yet-Time-Chaos-Constructions-2017-3	MmcM	
Transistor of Hacker			MmcM	
Cougar Force				Moby	
Substance				Moby	
Alles Nur Geklaut			Modmate	
And we are cracking on ...		Modmate	
Aquanaut				Modmate	
Bring Back the 90s			Modmate	
Chip Mashup				Modmate	
ChipMon Tales				Modmate	
Dancetrack				Modmate	
DHS (ttrak test)			Modmate	
Fullmetal Fighter STe			Modmate	
jamtrack (ode to scavy)			Modmate	
Jess-O-Mat				Modmate	
Leif Rular (ttrak test edition)		Modmate	
Nukeloader				Modmate	
Prophecy Mym Version			Modmate	
Rebuilding Fractals			Modmate	
Shche Ne Vmerla Ukrainy			Modmate	
Summer					Modmate	
Taolectikal				Modmate	
Tetris Music A				Modmate	
The Morph Helix				Modmate	
Unreeeal Superhero 3			Modmate	
WOTW 56					Modmate	
WOTW 56 digi				Modmate	
WOTW 75					Modmate	
WOTW 79					Modmate	
WOTW 82					Modmate	
WOTW 98					Modmate	
WOTW 98 (ttrak edition)			Modmate	
How Much is the Fish			MotionRide	
The Checkerboardening			Mr Coke	
Gen4					Mr X	
Misery					mygg	
Rise Up					mygg	
Disco					Nexus 6	
Drummer					Nexus 6	
Fifth					Nexus 6	
First					Nexus 6	
Fourth					Nexus 6	
Klilack					Nexus 6	
Klinik					Nexus 6	
Muhh					Nexus 6	
New					Nexus 6	
Oxide					Nexus 6	
Panic Theme & Variation			Nexus 6	
Second					Nexus 6	
Seventh					Nexus 6	
Terror					Nexus 6	
Test					Nexus 6	
Third					Nexus 6	
Honda RVF				Nick Moorbath	
Pictionary				Nick Moorbath	
Spy vs Spy - Arctic Antics		Nick Scarim	
Double Dragon				Nick Vincent	
Double Dragon 2				Nick Vincent	
deadline-funk				nq	
ppk					nq	
Sweet Dreams				nq	
synchronization				nq	
Tech - The Race Against the Targanoids	Olaf Mindach	
a new day that feels like all days	OminPidgeon	
Amelia watering the flowers		OminPidgeon	
Furui kabin				OminPidgeon	
Guardian Turtle Boss Battle		OminPidgeon	
happy centipede on his way to work	OminPidgeon	
Hidden Pavlopetri			OminPidgeon	
mini plane fights into taccato castle	OminPidgeon	
Prodigium Depths			OminPidgeon	
Vombots Villanous Daydreaming		OminPidgeon	
Winter Beach Zone			OminPidgeon	
Yokai Residence				OminPidgeon	
Persifal				Pascal Constanza	
Popeye 2				Paul Loraine	
Tonic Tile				Paul Seneville	
Tonic Tile FX				Paul Seneville	
Desolator Main				Paul Summers	
Oriental Games				Paul Summers	
Thomas the Tank Engine			Paul Tankard	
Thomas the Tank Engine 2		Paul Tankard	
Contact Us Prg				Perkele	
Arkanoid				Peter Johnson	
Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh		Peter Johnson	
Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge	Peter Johnson	
Robocop					Peter Johnson	Fixed Added sample intro
Wizball					Peter Johnson	
Fuzion 44				Phil Good	
Ivanhoe					Pierre-Eric Loriaux	Fixed
Plotting				Pierre-Eric Loriaux	Fixed
Toki					Pierre-Eric Loriaux	Fixed
Basics					Proto	
Battle Royale				Proto	
Buzz					Proto	
Camel Trot				Proto	
CobraCOM				Proto	
Done and Dusted				Proto	
Doom					Proto	
Dream					Proto	
dYMb					Proto	
Flexiscroll				Proto	
Mantrax					Proto	
Metabuzz				Proto	
Mortal Kombat				Proto	
The Joker				Proto	
Mod Compil 96 02			Radium	
101 Phraqtals Show			Ralph	
No Blitter				Ralph	
Slalom					Ralph	
Dragons Breath				Richard Joseph	Added extra tunes. Coder confirmed tune by RJ not DH 
Darktrip - Stars			Rick	
Miami Vice				Rick Leinecker	
Arsenite				Ricky Martin	
Bad Remix				Ricky Martin	
Blonk					Ricky Martin	
Cheerful and Sociable			Ricky Martin	
Krets					Ricky Martin	
Lapamato				Ricky Martin	
Let Go					Ricky Martin	
No Rights				Ricky Martin	
Pause					Ricky Martin	
Serial					Ricky Martin	
Silly Venture 2k18 Invitation		Ricky Martin	
Starfall Humppa				Ricky Martin	
The Truth Hurts				Ricky Martin	
Goldrunner				Rob Hubbard	Added samples. Now two subtunes - samples/chip and chip only. 
Warhawk					Rob Hubbard	
You're Wrong				Robyn	
Bax					Rod	
Demo 1					Rod	
Demo 2					Rod	
Demo 3					Rod	
Quant Mux				Rod	
Super Huey				Russ Bedord	
Dream Zone				Sarah Sidman	
Now Its Over				Seajeff	
texts					sean	
vortex whirlpool			sean	
Sooty & Sweep Fun With Numbers		Sean Conran	
O.C.E.A.N				SERGant	
Stax 84					Sh3	
Backlash				Simon Berry	Fixed
Damocles				Simon Berry	
Encounter				Simon Berry	
Sinbad and the throne of the falcon	Singing Electrons	
Bosmang					Skuggemannen	
Bowdog					Skuggemannen	
Chrysalis				Skuggemannen	
Dorks of Pang				Skuggemannen	
Fokk					Skuggemannen	
Gnawrly Derps				Skuggemannen	
l'Abbaye des Morts			Skuggemannen	
Lostbeat				Skuggemannen	
Shades of Circuits			Skuggemannen	
Stargazer				Skuggemannen	
Strum					Skuggemannen	
The Beginning				Skuggemannen	
The Feller				Skuggemannen	
The Journey				Skuggemannen	
Thumper					Skuggemannen	
Atari Loves Bombs			Soundy	
Deafwish				Speechless	
Captain Fizz				SRS	
Noisy Pillars (Jeroen Tel cover)	Stax	
Kult					Stephane Picq	
Italia 1990				Steve Barrett	
SAS Combat Simulator			Steve Barrett	
Disciples of Steel main			Steve Schrade	
Komen Wij Uit Rotterdam			Stu	
Mind The Bend The Mind			Syphus	
Bits 44					T1000	
Bits 50					T1000	
Bits 54					T1000	
Bits 62					T1000	
Bits 65					T1000	
Foxx 1					Tangens	
Foxx 2					Tangens	
Buzz Me!				Tao	
SillyLoop				Tao	
Sillystomp				Tao	
ultraBooST				Tao	
44					Tat	
tubnob					Tennisers	
Candles					TFX	
Death And Taxes				TFX	
Floating Points				TFX	
Love Bytes				TFX	
Starfields 2001				TFX	
Wolf Pack				Thom Clement	
Frogs main				Thomas ilg	
Frogs title				Thomas ilg	
Smooth CrYMinals			Timbral	
Kid Gloves				Timothy Closs	Fixed
Chasing That Little Rascal		Tobikomi	
The Intelligent Vombot			Tobikomi	
Basic Ttrack				Tomchi	
Enjoy The Sun				Tomchi	
Fog					Tomchi	
HiHan					Tomchi	
In Waves				Tomchi	
Juxtaposition				Tomchi	
Life					Tomchi	
Moodish					Tomchi	
PLAS23					Tomchi	
Smoke Town				Tomchi	
Temptation				Tomchi	
Dominator				Tony Francis	
Stax 138				Tyan	
UF Intro				Tyan	
Mini Golf				Ulrich Schultz	
A Tribute To Nothing			Ultrasyd	Deprotected by Leonard
Atari Sucks				Ultrasyd	
Dansen Dronkaard			Ultrasyd	
Dead But Still Dancing			Ultrasyd	
Laying Down Some Patterns		Ultrasyd	
Monochrom Morning			Ultrasyd	
Needs More Atari			Ultrasyd	
The Final BitchSlap			Ultrasyd	
Tokyo Part II				Ultrasyd	
Tokyo Part III				Ultrasyd	
Alien Fires 2199AD			Unknown Composer	
Atarian					Unknown Composer	
Boing					Unknown Composer	
Brass					Unknown Composer	
Breakmen				Unknown Composer	
Combo Racer				Unknown Composer	
Demons Winter				Unknown Composer	
Easy For You To Say			Unknown Composer	
Fast Lane!				Unknown Composer	
FOD List				Unknown Composer	
Hillsfar				Unknown Composer	
Illusion Part 2				Unknown Composer	
Instyle					Unknown Composer	
Kling					Unknown Composer	
Major Motion				Unknown Composer	
Melody					Unknown Composer	
Nice One				Unknown Composer	
Phantasie III - The Wrath of Nikademus	Unknown Composer	
Piano					Unknown Composer	
Questron II				Unknown Composer	
Road Runner				Unknown Composer	
Roadwar 2000				Unknown Composer	
Roadwar Europa				Unknown Composer	
Skate Ball				Unknown Composer	v1 of the game
Stormlord				Unknown Composer	
Techno					Unknown Composer	
Technotronic				Unknown Composer	
Temple of Apshai Trilogy		Unknown Composer	
Test					Unknown Composer	
Test2					Unknown Composer	
The Final Frontier			Unknown Composer	
Time					Unknown Composer	
Timesold				Unknown Composer	
Total Confusion				Unknown Composer	
Uridium					Unknown Composer	
Wizards Crown				Unknown Composer	
Work					Unknown Composer	
World Games				Unknown Composer	
Xor					Unknown Composer	
Zirpy					Unknown Composer	
Napalm-Loadertune			wbcbz7	
firSTtro				Wiecz0r	
Heal Old Geek Main			Wiecz0r	
Heal Old Geek Outtro			Wiecz0r	
Laserball 2014				xFalcon	
Randomazer				xFalcon	
Mussolini				Xrwwr	
Zoomed!					Xrwwr	
BASSEZ					Xyce	
Amiga					YQN	
bellyfoul				YQN	
birthdaYMoodswing			YQN	
February Fool				YQN	
Half Assed Blues			YQN	
HNY2021					YQN	
Last Attempt				YQN	
Nez Directions				YQN	
Olds Cool				YQN	
Out of Breqth				YQN	
Quickie					YQN	
Sidisord				YQN	
Vomwalks				YQN	
We accidentally your Oculus		Zerkman	
Jebac					Zlew	
Generation One				ZoltarX	
Seven Bit Tune				ZoltarX	


V4.7 (January 6, 2018)

323 new/updated SNDH files (1209 subtunes).

We slug out another SNDH update. 

Quick highlights :-

+ All the sid-i-fied tunes from HIPSid incuded
+ More SNDH-Digi tunes including Altair, Populous & Fighter Bomber
+ Tonnes of rare tunes by Mephistow & Jovis
+ More ancient un-ripped tunes by Daglish, Loriuax, Shimskey & Legace
+ Curse of Ra, innovative chip-digi driver for the time


Title					Composer
Dalarna Calling				505
Execution Intro				505
Execution Mainpart			505
Mosquido Dots				505
Ripoff					505
Unglobal				505
All's Well That Ends Well		607
Better Luck Next Time			607
Dawn of a New Endeavour			607
Expanding Possibilities			607
Good Old Times				607
Happy Smiles				607
Intense Stuff				607
Journey of the Woolly			607
Pursuing Freedom			607
Reaping Benefits			607
You Did It!				607
Elusive Groove				!Cube
Hyper Ocean Ride			!Cube
Terraboink				7an
Pumpkin Hop				AceMan
Rybalt Bzdziwuj z Atarostu		AceMan
Adidas Championship Tie-Break		Adrian Dalecki
Slightly Magic				Allister Brimble
Magenta					Arnauld Chevallier
CJ In The USA				Ashley Hogg
Zone Warrior Preview			Barry Leitch
Roy of the Rovers			Ben Daglish
Dark Side of the Spoon - TLB remix	Crawdaddy
Dozen					Crawdaddy
Going Places				Crawdaddy
Meatballs				Crawdaddy
Pure Energy 3				Crawdaddy
Tune 4					Crawdaddy
Crack 95				Crazy Q
Midnight Sun				Crazy Q
Avalon					Daniel Decourdemanche
Balls Up				Darren Ithell
Fusion					Dave Hanlon
Battleships				David Whittaker
Challenge Golf				David Whittaker
Super Stuntman				David Whittaker
Garcimore Aime Les Moules End		Deneb
Frenchies				Dma-Sc
Frogger					Dma-Sc
My Galaxy				Dma-Sc
Quartet Deluxe				Dma-Sc
UBI Soft 30th Anniversary		Dma-Sc
UCM 23 Intro				Dma-Sc
Arachnophobia Intro			Epic
Hydroxid				Epic
Eierkopf				Ewald Greiml
Marble Islands				Ewald Greiml
Hexagon					Exyl
Altair					Fabrice Decroix
Batch Please!				fegolhuzz
Alphabet Mix				Flipside
Metal Planet				Floopy
Revers					Frequent
Stress					Frequent
Preview					Furax
Return					Furax
Le Refuge				Garvalf
Cheqular				Grease Monkey
Wonderful World				gwEm
Sound					Hagen
Fiendish Freddy's Big Top o'Fun		Igor Shimskey
Inter Me 2				Jedi
Phaleon - Nerve Centre			Jedi
Unknown					Jedi
Killing Time				John Wangler
Mahna-mahna				Jookie
Santa-Claus is Coming to Town		Jookie
Cannon Fodders in action		Jovis
Do you feel the drum?			Jovis
Enter the merry-go-round		Jovis
Everybody can find how to make it	Jovis
Five ears-tearings			Jovis
I'm a lonesome boy, yeah!		Jovis
Morphing tunes				Jovis
Never Plucking Again			Jovis
Out of the war action			Jovis
Please recover your high spirits!	Jovis
Pop-Corn maniac fun show		Jovis
Praelude of Bachs variation		Jovis
Tales of the Arabian days		Jovis
Tellers troubled Funband		Jovis
The real heartburner			Jovis
Three classic snores			Jovis
Why the World?				Jovis
Will you bear that?			Jovis
Gunship					Ken Legace
M1 Tank Platoon				Ken Legace
Pirates!				Ken Legace
Red Storm Rising			Ken Legace
Pure Energy 11				Lotus
Phaleon - Fullball			LTK
Advanced Fruit Machine Simulator	Lyndon Sharp
5th Gear - SID				Mad Max
A Prehistoric Tale			Mad Max
A Prehistoric Tale - SID		Mad Max
Airball Remix - SID			Mad Max
Alloy Run - SID				Mad Max
Amberstar - SID				Mad Max
Archon - SID				Mad Max
Arkanoid - SID				Mad Max
Arpy Remix - SID			Mad Max
Astaroth - SID				Mad Max
Atomino - SID				Mad Max
Atomix - SID				Mad Max
Axel F - SID				Mad Max
Bach the Future - SID			Mad Max
Bach the Future remix			Mad Max
Bach the Future remix - SID		Mad Max
Bangkok Knights				Mad Max
Bangkok Knights Loader			Mad Max
Big Sprite - SID			Mad Max
Car Race - SID				Mad Max
Chambers of Shaolin - SID		Mad Max
Childrens Song - SID			Mad Max
Circus Attractions - SID		Mad Max
Comic Bakery - SID			Mad Max
Crimetime - SID				Mad Max
Cuddly Reset - SID			Mad Max
Cybernoid - SID				Mad Max
Cybernoid 2 - SID			Mad Max
Dark Side Of The Spoon - TLB - SID	Mad Max
Demo Music 5 - SID			Mad Max
Demo Music 6 - SID			Mad Max
Demo Music 7 - SID			Mad Max
Demo Music 8 - SID			Mad Max
Dragonflight - SID			Mad Max
Dugger - SID				Mad Max
Enchanted Land - SID			Mad Max
Esbe - SID				Mad Max
Fletch - SID				Mad Max
Galway Mix				Mad Max
Galway Mix - SID			Mad Max
Gambol - SID				Mad Max
Grand Monster Slam - SID		Mad Max
Great Giana Sisters - SID		Mad Max
Ikari Union - SID			Mad Max
Insects In Space - SID			Mad Max
Jinks - SID				Mad Max
JT in Space - SID			Mad Max
Knucklebusters - SID			Mad Max
LAB - Loader - SID			Mad Max
Last Ninja				Mad Max
Last Ninja - SID			Mad Max
Leavin Teramis - SID			Mad Max
LM - SID				Mad Max
Main Menu - SID				Mad Max
Main Menu - SID				Mad Max
Masterblazer - SID			Mad Max
Mega Apocalypse - SID			Mad Max
Nearly Spherical - SID			Mad Max
Noisy Pillars - SID			Mad Max
Noname - SID				Mad Max
Nordik Coders - SID			Mad Max
OCWAS Sheep in Mongolia - SID		Mad Max
OCWAS Your Mind is my Ashtray - SID	Mad Max
Ooh Crikey Loader - SID			Mad Max
Pablo_Gold_Of_Montezuma - SID		Mad Max
Pandora - SID				Mad Max
Poker Music - SID			Mad Max
Pro BMX Simulator A - SID		Mad Max
Pro BMX Simulator B - SID		Mad Max
Pro Tennis Tour 2 - SID			Mad Max
Quizmaster - SID			Mad Max
Return to Medusa - SID			Mad Max
Return to Medusa Unused - SID		Mad Max
Rings of Medusa - SID			Mad Max
Robocop - SID				Mad Max
Rollout - SID				Mad Max
Scout - SID				Mad Max
Scout Remix - SID			Mad Max
Shades / Giana Sisters Remix		Mad Max
Shades / Giana Sisters Remix - SID	Mad Max
ST News 6.1 - SID			Mad Max
Starball - SID				Mad Max
Stormlord - SID				Mad Max
Supersonic - SID			Mad Max
Syntax - Level 16 - SID			Mad Max
Syntax - Loader - SID			Mad Max
Tangram - SID				Mad Max
Thalion intro - SID			Mad Max
The Seven Gates Of Jambala - SID	Mad Max
Thundercats - SID			Mad Max
Warhawk Remix - SID			Mad Max
Warp - SID				Mad Max
Warp Preview - SID			Mad Max
Data upp och data ner			Mahoney
High Score (Attack Wave)		Malodix
Diablo					Manuel Constantinidis
720 tune1				Marcer
Ace II					Marcer
I Wish (Attack Wave)			Marcer
Soft XXX				Marcer
Air Supply				Markus Weichselbaum
Curse of Ra				Markus Weichselbaum
Run the Gauntlet			Mcasso
Andromed				Mephistow
Deadsoci				Mephistow
Electric				Mephistow
Emispher				Mephistow
Enigmati				Mephistow
Gadjoe					Mephistow
Gold					Mephistow
Hagen					Mephistow
Horgame					Mephistow
Illusion Main				Mephistow
Karista					Mephistow
Momiblou				Mephistow
Odd					Mephistow
Quaracas				Mephistow
Runway					Mephistow
S. King					Mephistow
Skylab					Mephistow
Storm					Mephistow
Windjamm				Mephistow
Zaphira					Mephistow
Datastorm 2017 invite			Michu
Mushy Music				Mikael Lundberg
Garcimore Aime Les Moules Intro		Morgan
367 Days				MotionRide
GreenBox				MotionRide
How Much is the Fish			MotionRide
K0mar (Atari XL conversion)		MotionRide
OctoBitz				MotionRide
Spy vs Spy Theme			MotionRide
The World According to Nordlicht	Mr Coke
Outzone					Nicolas Andzrejak
Recovery				Nicolas Andzrejak
UCM SILIcon Special 97			No More
Fighter Bomber				Paul Summers
Plotting				Pierre-Eric Loriaux
Giga Dance Demo - Boot			Raider
Bort					Ricky Martin
SillyVenture 17 Invitation		Ricky Martin
Arsenite				rm
Populous				Rob Hubbard
Yogi Bear and Friends in Greed Monster	Sean Conran
Paradise CD 1				Sighfried
Paradise CD 2				Sighfried
Pleaze Wait - End Screen		Sonix
Konix					Stan Mercury
Indigo					Stephane Belin
Recovery				Stephane Belin
The Karate Kid - Part II		Steve Bak
Badlands Pete				Steve Cain
Detonator Music Disk 8			Steve Wonder
Slub					Stu
F6					Tao
Reels of Fortune			Terry Mancey
New YM					TFX
Forgotten Bits				Tomchi
ltc1B (compo version)			Tomchi
Ngup (looped)				Tomchi
No Face					Tyan
Stax 41					Tyan
Apache Flight				Unknown Composer
Bubblefield				Unknown Composer
Horror Zombies from the Crypt		Unknown Composer
Kids Academy - Alvins puzzles		Unknown Composer
Kids Academy - Alvins puzzles title	Unknown Composer
Play and Read - Learn to Read with Prof	Unknown Composer
Ultimate Arena				Unknown Composer
Whos That Girl				Unknown Composer
Tribute To The Sentinel			V!X
Remote Entry 2				VIX
Back 2 0ldsch00l			Wiecz0r
Raiders of the lost duke		Wiecz0r
Datass Plus				Xyce
HappyHardcore				Yerzmyey
Temple of Asherah			Yerzmyey
ah que coucou				Zerkman

Mixed Up Mother Goose			Amenda Lombardo
Frankenstein				Barry Leitch
Manhunter - San Francisco B		Barry Murray
Butcher Hill				Ben Daglish
Continental Circus			Ben Daglish
Deflektor				Ben Daglish
Kingmaker				Ben Daglish
Munsters				Ben Daglish
Rick Dangerous 2			Ben Daglish
PYM - Ishido Way Of The Stones		Big Alec
Overdrive Bitmap Mania			Chris Mad
Overdrive Music Box			Chris Mad
Skate Tribe				Christopher Guard
Microprose Formula One Grand Prix	Dave Lowe
Exolon					Dave Rogers
Defender of the Crown			David Whittaker
Skate Wars				David Whittaker
Stormtrooper				David Whittaker
Star Goose				Fred Gray
Where Time Stood Still			Fred Gray
Spider Spell 2				Geoff Camp
Outrun					Jas_C_Brooke
Outrun - USA version			Jas_C_Brooke
Realms					Jason Page
Risky Woods				Jose A. Martin
Hook					Jonathan Dunn
Synth Dream				Lotus
Kings Quest 3 - The Heir is Human	Margaret Lowe
Police Quest - In Death Angel		Margaret Lowe
Mighty Bombjack				Mark Cooksey
Space Quest Chapter 1- The Sarien 	Mark Crowe
Space Quest Chapter 2 - Vohauls 	Mark Crowe
Violence				Martin Barlow
Badlands				Matt Furniss
Hard Drivin				Matt Furniss
Klax					Matt Furniss
Rugby - The World Cup			Matt Furniss
Thunderwing				Nigel Pritchard
Lotus III - The Ulitmate Challenge	Patrick Phelan
Super Hang On				Paul Summers
Yolanda					Phil Bak
Salt Evil				Scavenger
Who Cares				Scavenger
Elvira - The Arcade Game		Sean Connolly
Circus Games				Wally Beben
Collosus Chess X			Wally Beben


V4.6 (August 16, 2016) - Yorkshire day!

345 new/updated SNDH files (437 subtunes).

We made it! SNDH v4.6 finally hits the streets.

Quick highlights :-

+ Figured out Michel Winogradoff's digi routines, so here's Disc, 
  Turbo Cup & Bumpy
+ Finally Mad Max's "Bittner, Bit, Bit, Bittner" is included
+ Many more unknown Quartet tracks added
+ STNICCC tunes including gwEm's winning entry
+ Missing The Bits music-mon tunes added, sorry
+ Tonnes of XBios-32 added, sorry mk2
+ 505's fabulous Sabotage tracks
+ Many Jovis tri-mod and SSD tunes

A much more comprehensive account of this release are contained in Grazey's 
blog at 


Alternative Invite			505
Courage (compo version)			505
Hires					505
Pulse					505
Pulse intro				505
Sabotage Intro				505
Sabotage Main				505
Glittering Waves			!Cube
Assembly Line				7an
Bleeps of San Secuestro			7an
Ruby					ACC
Stupid					ACC
Demo Tune				Ace
Pro BMX Simulator (cover)		Big Alec
Bladerunner				black
Turrican 2 final - release version	black
Turrican 2 final - sid version		black
Dark Side of the Spoon - TLB remix	Crawdaddy
Despair					Crawdaddy
Who Knows				Crawdaddy
Sillyventure 2013 Invite Main		Damo
Wings of Death Mix by Damo		Damo
Uncomplicated				Dhor
2149 Lives				Dma-Sc
Circle Dots				Dma-Sc
ParaDis3 - Parallax Distorter		Dma-Sc
Zabutoms Space Journey (D-Bug remix)	Dubmood
Fuck Cancer				Excellence In Art
Xmas 2015				Excellence In Art
Crazy Cars III				Fred Eric Gerard
Super Cauldron				Fred Eric Gerard
KGB - Fly Over Fantasy			Ged
Flash of the Rom			gwEm
YM303					gwEm
Great Courts				Haiko Ruttmann
Tom And The Ghost			Haiko Ruttmann
Maniac					Illusion
Intruder 1				Intruder
Intruder 2				Intruder
Intruder 3				Intruder
Intruder 4				Intruder
Intruder 5				Intruder
Intruder 6				Intruder
Intruder 7				Intruder
Pac-Land				Jas_C_Brooke
3 Tunes					Jovis
5 Tunes					Jovis
BAF					Jovis
Cannon F				Jovis
Compil using no drum			Jovis
Compil with some crap			Jovis
Ghost ship, then Fun-board		Jovis
If you were a photon			Jovis
Jetset Willy Fantasy			Jovis
Merry Goes Round			Jovis
Mumuse					Jovis
No Dash					Jovis
Plucking				Jovis
Sampled Attack				Jovis
Speedrit				Jovis
Subir					Jovis
The old odd funstyle of J		Jovis
Think About what You Want		Jovis
Trash Buzz				Jovis
Travel with Japman			Jovis
Real Cyber Aciiied			Lonestar
Neon Lips				Lotek Style
Paracon 4 Invite			Luebke
Xmas 2000				Luebke
Bittner Rap				Mad Max
Demo Music 5				Mad Max
Wings of Death Mix by Damo		Mad Max
Davids Raster Demo			Marcer
Look Whos Coding Too - Coffin Shika	Matrix
Look Whos Coding Too - Menu		Matrix
Bumpy					Michel Winogradoff
Disc					Michel Winogradoff
Turbo Cup				Michel Winogradoff
Atari Forum Intro			Mr Man
Vectronix Xmas				No More
LFEE '91				Paul Loraine
Gyroscope				Powapixel
Prelude					Powapixel
Have you seen our coder anywhere?	Rhino
Atari Touch				Sarek
Bomb Fight N Run			Schmx
Pure Energy 38				SNC
European Demos Intro			Stan Mercury
Synth Sample V				Stefan Jerowski
Air					Stu
Earth					Stu
Fire					Stu
Water					Stu
Bits 28					T1000
Bits 29					T1000
Bits 30					T1000
Bits 31					T1000
Bits 33					T1000
Bits 34					T1000
Bits 35					T1000
Bits 36					T1000
Bits 37					T1000
Bits 38					T1000
Bits 40					T1000
Bits 42					T1000
Bits 45					T1000
Bits 49					T1000
Bits 53					T1000
Bits 55a				T1000
Bits 55b				T1000
Bits 55c				T1000
Bits 55e				T1000
Bits 56					T1000
Bits 57					T1000
Bits 58					T1000
Bits 60					T1000
Bits 61					T1000
Feelings				Tao
STreSTeST				Tao
Chom					Tomchi
Ltc01 Ouacances				Tomchi
Altogether Now				Twitch
Funkymix				Twitch
It Dont Matter				Twitch
Modelmix 91				Twitch
Only You				Twitch
Straight Up				Twitch
Twitchs Hotmix				Twitch
808 State				Unknown Composer
Acid					Unknown Composer
Air on a G-String			Unknown Composer
America					Unknown Composer
Axel F					Unknown Composer
Axel F					Unknown Composer
Axel F					Unknown Composer
Big in Japan				Unknown Composer
Big Spender				Unknown Composer
Blueberry Hill				Unknown Composer
Blues					Unknown Composer
Bob P					Unknown Composer
Boxer					Unknown Composer
Brasil					Unknown Composer
California				Unknown Composer
Change					Unknown Composer
Circus Renz				Unknown Composer
Cockles and Mussels			Unknown Composer
Coming Bach				Unknown Composer
Confuzion				Unknown Composer
Country Boy				Unknown Composer
Cucaracha				Unknown Composer
Dallas Theme				Unknown Composer
Dampfoot				Unknown Composer
Danube					Unknown Composer
Delta					Unknown Composer
Dynasty Theme				Unknown Composer
Elenor					Unknown Composer
Entertainer				Unknown Composer
Flash					Unknown Composer
Flying Shark				Unknown Composer
French National Anthem			Unknown Composer
Fugue					Unknown Composer
F?r Elize				Unknown Composer
Ghostbusters				Unknown Composer
House					Unknown Composer
Ilsezlen				Unknown Composer
Irritate				Unknown Composer
Jukebox					Unknown Composer
Killer					Unknown Composer
Kleine Nachtmusik			Unknown Composer
Larry Laffer				Unknown Composer
Magnetic Field				Unknown Composer
Magnetic Fields				Unknown Composer
Mash					Unknown Composer
Mini					Unknown Composer
Mission Impossible			Unknown Composer
Monty Python				Unknown Composer
Muppet Show				Unknown Composer
Nommage					Unknown Composer
Oh No					Unknown Composer
Oh yeah					Unknown Composer
Outside					Unknown Composer
Popcorn v2 correct			Unknown Composer
Prelude					Unknown Composer
Sailors					Unknown Composer
Sonata					Unknown Composer
Spr					Unknown Composer
Star Trek				Unknown Composer
Star Wars				Unknown Composer
Swanee					Unknown Composer
Tango					Unknown Composer
Tear drop				Unknown Composer
Thank You				Unknown Composer
Tin					Unknown Composer
Top of the World			Unknown Composer
Tubular Bells				Unknown Composer
Ultmusic				Unknown Composer
USA National Anthem			Unknown Composer
Vincent					Unknown Composer
Yankee Doodle				Unknown Composer
Yellow Rose of Texas			Unknown Composer
Square Wars I: Assault (YM version)	Wiecz0r
Brasipop				xFalcon
Chillout				xFalcon
Deep Thought				xFalcon
Happy Chip				xFalcon
Hurry Up				xFalcon
In A Country Style			xFalcon
Laser Chip Talk				xFalcon
Maria durch ein Dornwald ging		xFalcon
Move To Trance				xFalcon
W?stenschiff				xFalcon
Last Attempt				yqn
Sidisord				yqn
Zabutoms Space Journey (D-Bug remix)	Zabutom


Ala Turka				ACC
Michelle				ACC
Popcorn					ACC
Heroes					Crawdaddy
Jammers					Crawdaddy
Suffer In Hell				Crawdaddy
Leatherneck				David Whittaker
Rainbows				Davidow
Sidestep				Davidow
Studio Music				Davidow
Calypso					Ed Bogas
Razor Megademo Intro			Emphii
Razor Megademo Screen 4			Emphii
Razor Megademo Screen 5			Emphii
Razor Megademo The Corps		Emphii
Epsilons' Nightmare			Epic
Prof E Gadd (NGC cover)			Excellence In Art
Fun Sad					Jovis
Knucklebusters				Jovis
Lame Bip				Jovis
Mars Station				Jovis
Spider Ship				Jovis
Zwaqwam					Jovis
Arkanoid				Mad Max
Ninja					Mad Max
Pro BMX Simulator A			Mad Max
ACIA					Michael Opel
James Pond 2 Codename: Robocod		Richard Joseph
Zombie Apocalypse			Schemantix
Delerious Demo 2 - Reset		Stan Mercury
Innuendo				Stan Mercury
Konix					Stan Mercury
The Karate Kid - Part II		Steve Bak
Thundercats (Rob Hubbard cover)		Tao
Just Buggin - Mate			Titan
12 Bar Blues				Unknown Composer
76 Trombones				Unknown Composer
Away in a Manger			Unknown Composer
Believe It or Not!			Unknown Composer
Ben Hur Chariot Race March		Unknown Composer
Both Sides Now				Unknown Composer
California Girls			Unknown Composer
Carry On				Unknown Composer
Cavlary					Unknown Composer
Children's Corner # 1			Unknown Composer
Children's Corner # 2			Unknown Composer
Children's Corner # 3			Unknown Composer
Children's Corner # 4			Unknown Composer
Children's Corner # 5			Unknown Composer
Children's Corner # 6			Unknown Composer
Daybreaker-ELO				Unknown Composer
Don't Stop Believing,			Unknown Composer
Eastenders				Unknown Composer
Entry of the Gladiators			Unknown Composer
Estrel					Unknown Composer
Every Breath You Take - Sting		Unknown Composer
Eye Sky					Unknown Composer
Flashdance...What A Feeling		Unknown Composer
FUR ELISE by L. V. Beethoven		Unknown Composer
God Father				Unknown Composer
Good Time Charlie			Unknown Composer
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road		Unknown Composer
Goodnight Saigon			Unknown Composer
Han Solo and the Princess		Unknown Composer
Have Yourself Merry Christmas		Unknown Composer
He Played Real Good For Free		Unknown Composer
Hey Hey,My My - Neil Young		Unknown Composer
Homage to ANDRES SEGOVIA		Unknown Composer
Honkitnk				Unknown Composer
I am a Rock				Unknown Composer
I Can See Clearly Now			Unknown Composer
I Heard the Bells			Unknown Composer
I Honestly Love You			Unknown Composer
I Just Called to Say I Love U		Unknown Composer
It Came Upon a Midnight Clear		Unknown Composer
Joy to the World			Unknown Composer
Jump					Unknown Composer
La Virgen de la Macarena		Unknown Composer
Life in a Northern Town			Unknown Composer
Maggie May				Unknown Composer
Michelle				Unknown Composer
Mini Dance				Unknown Composer
Minuet in G				Unknown Composer
Money for Nothing			Unknown Composer
Music Box Dancer			Unknown Composer
Night Moves				Unknown Composer
O Little Town of Bethlehem		Unknown Composer
Off To School Boogie			Unknown Composer
OLD JOE CLARK'S BOOGIE			Unknown Composer
Orange Blossom Special			Unknown Composer
Pachelbel's Canon in D			Unknown Composer
Peter Gunn				Unknown Composer
Rest Life				Unknown Composer
Russian					Unknown Composer
SAILORS BOOGIE				Unknown Composer
Santa Clause is Coming to Town		Unknown Composer
Sensation				Unknown Composer
She's Always A Woman			Unknown Composer
Silent Night				Unknown Composer
Somewhere, My Love			Unknown Composer
Soon It's Gonna Rain			Unknown Composer
SOUND OF SILENCE By Paul Simon		Unknown Composer
Spanish Eyes				Unknown Composer
ST Elsewhere				Unknown Composer
Stand By Me				Unknown Composer
Star Wars				Unknown Composer
Star-Spangled Banner			Unknown Composer
Stealing the Enterprise			Unknown Composer
Talk To Me - by Stevie Nicks		Unknown Composer
The Entertainer				Unknown Composer
The First Noel the Angel ...		Unknown Composer
The Imperial Death March		Unknown Composer
The Rock Island Line			Unknown Composer
The Spider Dance - Tarantelle		Unknown Composer
The Windmills of Your Mind		Unknown Composer
Theme From Startrek			Unknown Composer
They Call It The Blues			Unknown Composer
Today					Unknown Composer
Two Part Invention			Unknown Composer
Two Part Invention #13			Unknown Composer
Up on the House Top			Unknown Composer
Watch Girl				Unknown Composer
We Are The World			Unknown Composer
What Child is This			Unknown Composer
Where Have All th Flowers Gone		Unknown Composer
William Tell Overture			Unknown Composer
Yankee Doodle				Unknown Composer
Yoda's Theme				Unknown Composer
Hyperdome				Wally Beben
Laserball 2014				xFalcon


V4.5 (August 1, 2015) - Yorkshire day!

355 new/updated SNDH files (1731 subtunes).

Finally, after over a year we update the SNDH archive to v4.5.

Quick highlights :-

+ Sierra games included - Leisure Suit Larry etc
+ Barry Leitch driver updated - Superior sound quality
+ Unreleased ancient Mad Max track
+ Dave Lowe digi musics - Carrier Command, Afterburner etc
+ gwEm's Kraftwerk music - two versions
+ Many song lengths added by bober, thanks!

A much more comprehensive account of this release are contained in Grazey's blog at 


Grado Groove						505
Hardsync 01I						505
Pulse (compo edit)					505
Saboteaser						505
Sommarhack 2015 invite					505
Spacedisko						505
STNICCC 2015						505
Bullet Sequence						!Cube
Cute Animals						ActoDi
Friday							ActoDi
No Timer SV14						ActoDi
Prof E Gadd (NGC cover)					ActoDi
Lettris							AG Smith
Donald Ducks Playground					Al Lowe
Gold Rush						Al Lowe
Kings Quest - Quest for the Crown			Al Lowe
Kings Quest 2 - Romancing the Throne			Al Lowe
Kings Quest II						Al Lowe
Leisure Suit Larry - In the Land of Lounge Lizards	Al Lowe
The Black Cauldron					Al Lowe
Mixed Up Mother Goose					Amenda Lombardo
ACIA							Andrew Hollweg
Explorer						Andrew Hollweg
Big Run							Andrew Taylor
Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone			Andrew Taylor
Infinity One						Andy Kauling
Magenta							Arnauld Chevallier
Just Another Silly Sports sim				B Amundlien
Jag fyller Assn till bredden				Bagarn
XXX-Mas							Bagarn
Championship Manager					Barry Leitch
Frankenstein						Barry Leitch
Postman Pat						Barry Leitch
Switchblade 2						Barry Leitch
Manhunter - New York					Barry Murray
Manhunter - San Francisco A				Barry Murray
Manhunter - San Francisco B				Barry Murray
Unknown_Blipblopper					Beast
3D Galax						Ben Daglish
Yatzy							Benny Johansen
MIX number ONE demo - Intro				Beyonder
MIX number ONE demo - Sicmu				Beyonder
MIX number ONE demo - Slide				Beyonder
Apologies All Around					Blind-Io
Borderline Bacon					Blind-Io
Real Stat Hockey					Bob Bath
Supremacy						Brain
Hammarsock						Britelite
Bombsquad						Crawdaddy
Dropzone						Crawdaddy
Electric Experience					Crawdaddy
Enigma Force						Crawdaddy
Jammers							Crawdaddy
Kruz Theme						Crawdaddy
Plazma							Crawdaddy
Pure Energy 1						Crawdaddy
Pure Energy 2						Crawdaddy
Streetkids						Crawdaddy
The Joker						Crawdaddy
The Village						Crawdaddy
Tough Guys in Sweden					Crawdaddy
Corrupted Data File					Crazy Q
From Da Ghetto With Love				Crazy Q
Lunar Bounce						Crazy Q
Moneymania 2						D. Haylett
Poker Dice						Daryl Kiley
Mindlock						Dave Cobbledick
Steigar							Dave Hasler
After Burner						Dave Lowe
After Burner Digi					Dave Lowe
Carrier Command						Dave Lowe
Starglider 2						Dave Lowe
Dan Dare III - The Escape				David Whittaker
Xenon 2 - digi						David Whittaker
Marios Quest						Dean Sharples
The Heavy Bunch						Dean Sharples
Bore							Dhor
Crash Test						Dhor
Happy2							Dhor
"Hurry Harry, hurry"					Dhor
Chipster (UCM #14)					Dma-Sc
Kolmik							Dma-Sc
Lovetro intro						Dma-Sc
Lovetro Main Theme					Dma-Sc
Return of the Fighters					Dma-Sc
Makers Match						Don Sharpe
Eiz@Work						Eiz
Zik 11							Epic
Nervana Quest						Eric Kinkead
Marble Islands						Ewald Greiml
Louder! Louder!						Excellence In Art
The Chicken Song 4K					Excellence In Art
Who Made You Judge Judy And Executioner?		Excellence In Art
Energy							Ferox
Tuesday							Ferox
Victory							Ferox
Glitre							Frequent
Konge							Frequent
Lykkerus						Frequent
Revers							Frequent
Silisium Skogen						Garvalf
Kubes							Gary Cook
Ace Invaders						Gary Wheaton
Shapeshifters						Gary Wheaton
Spider Spell 2						Geoff Camp
Sapiens							Gilles Soulet
Trans D-Bug Express (orig edit)				gwEm
Trans D-Bug Express (release edit)			gwEm
Pure Energy 4						Illusion
Pure Energy 5						Illusion
Pure Energy 6						Illusion
Perfect Squared Circle					Jakub Husak
BSS Jane Seymour					Jason Sheppard
Killing Time						John Wangler
AGI Quest						Juha Terho
X-Out							Jurgen Piscol
Platform Capers						Kay Downes
Zedoinoid						Kevin J. Grantham
Axel F							Kijop
Bob Dylan						Kijop
Raaap							Kijop
Pixie & Dixie featuring Mr Jinks			M Franks
Esbe							Mad Max
Warp Preview						Mad Max
Boobs							Marcer
Kings Quest 3 - The Heir is Human			Margaret Lowe
Police Quest - In the Pursuit of Death Angel		Margaret Lowe
Space Quest Chapter 1- The Sarien Encounter		Mark Crowe
Space Quest Chapter 2 - Vohauls Revenge			Mark Crowe
Deuteros						Matt Bates
Starlight						MCH
Librarie						Mephistow
Sound							Mephistow
Ventura - Evil						Mephistow
Trinomic						Michael Opel
Mushy Music						Mikael Lundberg
Colony (Proof of Pokey Concept)				Modmate
Reassessing Teramis (Pokey Flavour)			Modmate
Yanartas SV Thank You					Modmate
EIL 3							MSG
Hallucinations						MSG
Undercover Action Agents				Nemo
YM Rocker						Nemo
Infinity						No More
Mars Maze						P Blay
Pushover						P.F. Rees
Huckleberry Hound In Hollywood				Paul Loraine
Fighting Soccer						Paul Summers
Matrix Marauders					Paul Summers
Stryx							Paul Summers
Super Hang On						Paul Summers
Treasure Search						Peter Hickman
Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh				Peter Johnson
Last Man						Piotr Szerszen
Anthrax							Przybyszewski
Coming Back After 15 Years				Ralph
Razor Megademo Intro					Razor
Razor Megademo Screen 4					Razor
Razor Megademo Screen 5					Razor
Razor Megademo The Corps				Razor
Tron							Richard Jacques
Demoniak						Richard Joseph
Dragons Breath						Richard Joseph
Moonshine Racers					Richard Joseph
Kingdom							Robert Groves
Yahtzee							Robert Groves
Bilinski						Robert Wolf
Mr Dig							Robin Edwards
Lunacy							Roderick Martin
Iraky							Ronan
Kass Kong						Ronan
Fergus							Rude Kid
Funeral							Rude Kid
In Air							Rude Kid
Match of the Day					Rude Kid
Playtime						Rude Kid
Samba 2							Rude Kid
TV Themes						Rude Kid
Weirdo 2						Rude Kid
Mindbend						Sally
X-CALIBUR						Schmx
Elvira - The Arcade Game				Sean Connolly
Biomechanoid Locomotion					Shinobi
Drop Zoner						Shinobi
Gems in Montana						Shinobi
Outgoing						Shinobi
Spaced Weller						Simon Wilsher
Innuendo						Stan Mercury
Konix							Stan Mercury
Flimbos Quest						Steve Wheterill
Tusker							Steve Wheterill
Tusker Digi						Steve Wheterill
Bits 59							T1000
Rasputin (Rob Hubbard cover)				Tao
Hier Sind Noch Zwei Greetings				Tarzan Boy
Bom Tsh Bap Bap						Technoblip
Groovin' Nostrils					Technoblip
Pure Energy 3						Technoblip
Reels of Fortune					Terry Mancey
Disco I							TFC
Disco II						TFC
Sunbeat							TFC
BSW 88							The Byte
Outrun Highway E6					Timbral
Plantonix						Timo Weggen
0ompa intro						Tomchi
0ompa main						Tomchi
LTC 01 extra volume 2					Tomchi
Smoke Town						Tomchi
Onslaught						Tony Williams
Serious 1						Tyan
Thunderdome						Ultrasyd
Gore 2							Unknown
Beyond the Titanic 2					Unknown Composer
Bio C							Unknown Composer
CH 11							Unknown Composer
Demo 2							Unknown Composer
End Theme						Unknown Composer
I Just Cant Get Enough					Unknown Composer
Idea							Unknown Composer
Japs the Sequence					Unknown Composer
Kids Academy - Alvins puzzles				Unknown Composer
Kids Academy - Alvins puzzles title			Unknown Composer
Life on the Ocean Waves					Unknown Composer
MGD2							Unknown Composer
Nova Cam						Unknown Composer
Play and Read - Learn to Read with Prof			Unknown Composer
Prehistorik						Unknown Composer
Sweet Dreams						Unknown Composer
The Big STOS Demo					Unknown Composer
Wizardry						Unknown Composer
Remote Entry #2						V!X
Boobswatch theme					V0yager
Cartridge Generation					V0yager
Takeover						V0yager
Le jeu des sons no 1					Vivian Peschardt
Farewell						White Ninja
Grounded						White Ninja
How forget...						White Ninja
Love Desaster						White Ninja
Unchanged						White Ninja
Zoolookologic						White Ninja
The Galactic Miner					William Anderson
Kings Quest 4 - The Perils of Rosella			William Goldstein
Laserball 2014						xfalcon
Dentro							Xrwwr
SOS (2015 Remix)					Xrwwr
Wings Of Life						Xrwwr
Spacedisko						Xyce
Evelynn							Yerzmyey
SNDH v4.4 Update					Yerzmyey
Bob Dylan						Zbyhoo


Antique							505
Chasey Intro						505
Clowns							505
Dosk							505
Glas							505
Greetings						505
Heaven Sux						505
Hmmm One - Error In Line 3 invite			505
Humming							505
Huzt							505
Hysteria - Posh demo					505
Jingle01						505
Kill Bill						505
Lala							505
Leave it - Alive 4					505
Melodie							505
Modulation 2 - Intro					505
Moesrave (Birthtro)					505
Moodswinger						505
More Sun						505
Mystic Bytes 2						505
Old crap (UCM 22)					505
Pacemaker						505
ST Tri Sound						505
Stage Completed (YM rockerz)				505
Sure Trip Part 1					505
Sure Trip Part 2					505
Sure Trip Part 3					505
Suretrip 2 - Part 2					505
Surprise						505
Too Hard						505
Trace Intro						505
UCM #12 Song 2						505
UCM #14							505
UCM 11 Intro (endpart)					505
UCM 11 Intro (greetings)				505
Useless							505
Vagrant							505
You Bore (D-Bug 180)					505
Zirkuss							505
Zymplix							505
Decisive Factor						!Cube
Dizzzruptor part 3					!Cube
Earth							!Cube
Eye on Scene Maggie Dentro				!Cube
Outpost							!Cube
Renaissance						!Cube
Back to the Future part III				Barry Leitch
Harlequin						Barry Leitch
Impossamole						Barry Leitch
Pegasus							Barry Leitch
Prophecy I - The Viking Child				Barry Leitch
Raiden							Barry Leitch
Super Cars 2						Barry Leitch
The Shoe People						Barry Leitch
Treasure Trap						Barry Leitch
Utopia							Barry Leitch
Zone Warrior						Barry Leitch
Federation of Free Traders				Ben Daglish
Iron Trackers						Claude Abromont
Killerball						Claude Abromont
Betrayal						Dave Lowe
California Games 2					Dave Lowe
Garfield 2 - Winters Tale				Dave Lowe
Ghostbusters II						Dave Lowe
Line of Fire						Dave Lowe
Street Fighter II					Dave Lowe
Summer Games						Dave Lowe
The Games - Summer Edition				Dave Lowe
Evader							Dave Munsie
STeg The Slug						Hard N Soft
Fireblaster						Janko Mrsic Flogel
Warzone							Janko Mrsic Flogel
Venus The Flytrap					Jason Sheppard
Bangkok Knights Loader					Mad Max
Skate or Die!						Mad Max
Ventura - Hystanders					Mephistow
Toki							Pierre-Eric Loriaux
Having a Period in 3D Space				Scavenger
Prophecy I - The Viking Child				Sean Connolly
Just Buggin - Greetings					Tao
Stars (digi) - Songs That Make You Go Mmhh 2		Tao
Before the Raw						Timbral
Discoman						Timbral
Mandarine Street					Timbral
Polish Waitress						Timbral
So alone... (Live ver.)					Timbral
1st Extra						Tomchi
1st Intro						Tomchi
AC2010							Tomchi
DCK On Board - Oldckool					Tomchi
DCKolors - Oldckool					Tomchi
Four Screens - Oldckool					Tomchi
HAP							Tomchi
No Monkey						Tomchi
Pakakaka						Tomchi
Parallax - Oldckool					Tomchi
PI Bass							Tomchi
PTSPRT- Oldckool					Tomchi
Vertical DCKroll - Oldckool				Tomchi
Atahym							Unknown Composer
Lauderbilder						Unknown Composer


V4.4 (July 2, 2014)
Dedicated to Lowlife/Hotline
171 new/updated SNDH files (625 subtunes).

To coincide with Sommarhack we update the SNDH archive to v4.4.

This release has a very Dutch theme, mainly due to Lowlife of Hotline
stumbling over some long lost musical goodies. Thanks to him you will find 
very rare tunes by Scavenger, ISO, Dr Beat, ENS and EVE. Continuing the Dutch
mood we finally complete the Lotus collection with all the tunes from the
Synth Dream 2 demo.

More details on the archive are contained in Grazey's blog at 



Alive!                          505
Battle Zone                     AC Porritt
Ghost Mine                      Albert Baggetta
Fia                             Andreaz
3D Ski                          Andrei Ellman
Fleas                           Andrew Gower
Flipped                         Andrew R. Oakley
Robocop                         Antichrist
The Games - Winter Edition      Ben Daglish
Fang Die Ratte                  Bobby Kirchoff
Final Assault                   Charles Callet
Bob Morane - Jungle             Charles Callet
Bob Morane - Chevalerie         Charles Callet
Bob Morane - Science Fiction    Charles Callet
Bobo                            Charles Callet
Hostages                        Charles Callet
Iznogoud                        Charles Callet
La Affaire                      Charles Callet
La Marque Jaune                 Charles Callet
Meurt En Serie                  Charles Callet
Passengers in the Wind          Charles Callet
Passengers in the Wind 2        Charles Callet
Prohibition                     Charles Callet
Les Ripoux                      Charles Callet
Sidewalk                        Charles Callet
TNT                             Charles Callet
Turlogh Le Rodeur               Charles Callet
Murders in Venice               Charles Callet
Championship Water Skiing       Charles Callet
The Toyottes                    Charles Callet
Batman - The Batwing            Charles Cullinan
Arc                             Christof Dukiet
Brain Jogging                   Christof Dukiet
Olympian                        Corpsicle
Boing                           CRG Johnson
Avalon                          Daniel Decourdemanche
Flipit & Magnose                Darren Ithell
Mouthtrap                       Darren Ithell
Balls Up                        Darren Ithell
Fun School 4 (5-7 years)        Darren Ithell
Fun School 4 (Under 5)          Darren Ithell
Fun School 2 (Over 8)           Darren Ithell
Fun School 3 (Over 7)           Darren Ithell
Raffles                         Dave Lowe
Galtan 6 / Elite Intro 3 digi   Dr Beat
Maziac                          Dr Beat
Maziac unused                   Dr Beat
Niet AF 1                       Dr Beat
Byte Man                        Edwyn Thomas
ENS 1 digi                      ENS Music
F Nightmare                     EVE
Loading & Decrunching           EVE
Makelot                         EVE
Noisy Pillars                   EVE
Rock and Roll                   EVE
Serious                         EVE
Sewer 8                         EVE
Axel F - digi                   EVE
Stack Row                       EVE
Eierkopf                        Ewald Greiml
Fox Brothers                    Ewald Greiml
Give Me Time                    Factor 6
Alphabet Mix                    Flipside
Mega Musix                      Flix
What Time Is It?                Flix
Bullet Train                    Francois Lionet
Gatelys                         Frequent
Sooty & Sweep                   Full FX
Brainfood - Deuce               Geoff Camp
Brainfood - Letters             Geoff Camp
Brainfood - Pipeline            Geoff Camp
Home Worker                     Geoff Camp
Granshot                        Grant Magnuson
Four-F                          Greg George
Sillyventure 2014 Invite        gwEm
Hop                             Iain Young
Dizzy Fun Time                  Ian Chapman
Dragon Scape                    Ian Maxwell
Checkmate                       ISO
Easter Uncky                    ISO
None Dignified                  ISO
Smooth Talking                  ISO
Frog Race                       Jan Holmgren
Funfares                        Jawx
Funfares 2                      Jawx
Aventura I The Witch Curse      Jean-Claude Schopfer
Expressing                      Jim Cuomo
Joardy Blitter                  Joard
Bootiful Babe                   Jon Wheatman
Color Quest                     JP Peach
Beginning of the Ending Demo    Kafka
Wall PD                         Lotus
Bionic Fields                   Lotus
Blow Jam                        Lotus
Brain Drops                     Lotus
Big Bubble                      Lotus
End                             Lotus
Eternal                         Lotus
Inna Groovy Mood                Lotus
Intro                           Lotus
Loader                          Lotus
Max Intro                       Lotus
Micro Kit                       Lotus
Pace                            Lotus
Of All Places                   Lotus
Running Status                  Lotus
Shuffle Express                 Lotus
State of the World              Lotus
Tidal Waves                     Lotus
Wishful Thinking                Lotus
You Know Lotus                  Lotus
Return of Medusa (Unused)       Mad Max
Axel F (TEX cracktro)           Mad Max
Groggy Balldric                 Magnus Adolphzon
Marcer Quartet                  Marcer
Amazeing                        Mikael Lundberg
Human Killing Machine           Mike Davies
Forest Fire                     Mike Davis
Second Reality 2013 - Intro     Modmate
180                             Nathan Taylor
Monkey (Hoby One Demo)          Ninja One
Boxing Champ                    Paul Dowers
Popeye 2                        Paul Loraine
Thomas the Tank Engine          Paul Tankard
Thomas the Tank Engine 2        Paul Tankard
Hedge Hogger                    Peter Caddock
Easy Learning Maths             Philip Rankin
3D aSTeroids                    Ralph Effemey
Arthur of the Britons           Ralph Effemey
Biker                           Reiner Glock
Drip                            Richard Brough
Quartet 1.5 demo tunes          Rob Povey
Confusion                       Ross McNaughton
Anarchy                         Scavenger
Bomb                            Scavenger
Loaders                         Scavenger
Sambase                         Scavenger
Sambase Digi                    Scavenger
SYM II                          Scavenger
Knuckle Joe Extended            Scavenger
Inferno                         Simon Brown
Bangkok Knights Loader          Simon O
Predator                        Simon O
Goldrunner                      Simon O
Gremlin Music Demo - Tune 7     Simon O
Killing Spree                   Spaz
Staring at the Sea              Ultrasyd
Early Learning Maths 2          Unknown
Anti Matter                     Unknown Composer
Bubblefield                     Unknown Composer
Bully's Sporting Darts          Unknown Composer
Bumber Jacky                    Unknown Composer
Denver Je Decouvre Les Animaux  Vivian Peschardt
Denver Je decouvre les chiffres Vivian Peschardt
Winter Olympiad 88              Wally Beben
Gopher Hunt                     William Anderson
Sommarhack 2014 Invite          Yerzmyey

Magicland Dizzy                 4-Mat
Galtan 6 / Elite Intro 3        Dr Beat
Summer Delights                 Excellence In Art
Hardrock Ballad                 Jess
Enchanted Land                  Mad Max
5th Gear                        Mad Max
Dark Side Of The Spoon -TLB     Mad Max
Clumsy Colin Action Biker       Mad Max
Esbe                            Mad Max
Classroom Maths 2               Paul Dowers
Arcade Trivia Quiz              Paul Loraine
Huckleberry Hound In Hollywood  Paul Loraine
Scooby Doo And Scrappy Doo      Paul Loraine
Pandora's Box                   Scavenger


V4.3 (January 24, 2014)
Dedicated to Sink/HMD!
303 new/updated SNDH files (607 subtunes).

Here are some YM delights to brighten up the dark January nights. 
Slightly different from the norm, yes we still have some tasty new tunes
including exclusives, however we also have a massive amount of fixes, many
of which are by Ben of The Overlandes. A more detailed account of this
work can be found at the SNDH Bloog.

Highlights >

+ All the tunes from Sillyventure 2013 including 505's ginormous Relix demo!
+ Some uber rare un-released tunes by Jess of OVR
+ An extended version of Furax's EQX Virtual Escape theme
+ The two Big Alec digi drum tunes from Punish Your Machine finally SNDH'D


Aeh                             505     
Anfang                          505     
Arcarde                         505     
Balibulu                        505     
Banga                           505     
Beenden                         505     
Blark                           505     
Bounce                          505     
BRN 2010                        505     
Brotchen                        505     
Byeing                          505     
Chase                           505     
Crapsong                        505     
Dark                            505     
Destruct                        505     
Duckwalk                        505     
Dudelich                        505     
Eighties                        505     
EIL99 testsong                  505     
Etudial                         505     
Fettiger                        505     
Foolish                         505     
For MC                          505     
Gamesong 01                     505     
Granit                          505     
Ground                          505     
Hack                            505     
Hall of Fame                    505     
Hectic                          505     
Idiot                           505     
Impulse                         505     
Insigina 10th                   505     
Insigina 11th                   505     
Insigina 12th                   505     
Insigina 14th                   505     
Insigina 20th                   505     
Insigina 21st                   505     
Insigina 22nd                   505     
Insigina 3rd                    505     
Insigina 4th                    505     
Insigina 5th                    505     
Insigina 6th                    505     
Insigina 7th                    505     
Insigina 8th                    505     
Insigina 9th                    505     
Jelling                         505     
Jingle 02                       505     
Kickdown                        505     
Kithentable                     505     
Kurts                           505     
Lame 01                         505     
Lame 02                         505     
Lamer                           505     
Laughter                        505     
Loading                         505     
Loop 00                         505     
Loop 03                         505     
Loop 04                         505     
Loop 06                         505     
Loop 07                         505     
Loop 09                         505     
Lousy                           505     
Lovesong                        505     
Melting                         505     
Messing                         505     
Midfinger                       505     
Muell                           505     
Myth                            505     
Nervous                         505     
Newu                            505     
No Stress                       505     
Noir                            505     
Noix000f                        505     
Once                            505     
Painsid                         505     
PaniC                           505     
Pestwurz                        505     
Pieces                          505     
Reaching                        505     
Relix                           505     
Render                          505     
Retelling                       505     
RoboST                          505     
Scheme                          505     
Sherlock                        505     
Siebenschlaefer                 505     
Something                       505     
ST Tri Sound                    505     
ST_B                            505     
ST_M                            505     
ST_O                            505     
ST_P                            505     
Stream                          505     
Supadupa                        505     
Switch                          505     
Synthpop                        505     
Tambumbi                        505     
Tammo - KB cover                505     
Taotic                          505     
Tell Me                         505     
Terror                          505     
Three                           505     
Tsrups                          505     
Weird                           505     
Xmas CPT 15kb I                 505     
Yaa Taaru                       505     
Z                               505     
Zuuuuuuu                        505     
Blipblop Memories               !Cube   
Kid Gloves 2                    Andy Severn     
Fireball                        Anthony Lees    
Back to the Future part 3       Barry Leitch    
Saint & Greavsie                Ben Daglish     
Audio Artistic Demo             Big Alec        
PYM - Best Part Creation        Big Alec - PYM version with 15khz digi drums 
PYM - Main Menu                 Big Alec - PYM version with 15khz digi drums 
One Trick Pony                  Britelite       
Caesar                          Chris Denman    
Cohort - Fighting for Rome      Chris Denman    
Great Napoleonic Battles        Chris Denman    
Baby Jo in Going Home           Christophe Zurfluh      
Ghostbusters II                 Dave Lowe       
Emlyn Hughes Arcade Quiz        David Whittaker 
Outrun - USA version            David Whittaker - Extra tune in USA version
Crash Test                      Dhor    
Jumping Squares                 Dhor    
It's A Girl 2                   Dma-Sc  
Second Reality 2013 end         Dma-Sc  
Second Reality 2013 main        Dma-Sc  
Transbeauce Demo 2 Hidden       Doclands        
Sonixx Music Demo               Edd the Duck    
Virtual Escape (Enhanced)       Furax - Longer version of the original tune
Hibernation Demo                Golden Otter    
Hibernation Demo 2              Golden Otter    
STe Folies (O-Demo)             Griffon 
Fuji Sunset                     gwEm    
Graffiti Man                    Holger Gehrmann 
H Chip Ewperiment               Hylst   
Lemon Squeezers Dream           Jess - Original chip version
Middle Earth Theme              Jess - Never released digit version
My ST Suntans in Brazil         Jess - unfinished chip version
Rock (draft)                    Jess - Yet another draft from Jess
Routine 3                       Jess - Yet another draft from Jess
Sharpness Buzztone              Jess - Unreleased chip version
Squeeze 11                      Jess - Yet another draft from Jess
Tears On My Keyboard            Jess - Preview different enough of
                                Tears On My Keyboard
The Name's Bond, Jess Bond      Jess - Original chip version
The Singing Green Frog          Jess - (Unreleased ?) STe digit drum version
Throw It In A Trash Can         Jess - STe version
Vulx (draft)                    Jess - Yet another draft from Jess
Zara (Bagpipes Buzz mix)        Jess - Drafts composed by Jess, assembled
                                into this song by Ben
Elvira II                       Jezz Woodroffe  
Astate                          Jim Cuomo       
Window Wizard                   Karsten Obarski 
Window Wizard - Digi            Karsten Obarski - Only playable within GEM on
                                16MHz or faster machines
Fujiology Archivist             Lotek Style     
Elefantastic                    MCH and Mermaid 
almoST real (ENtRACte cHiP)     Modmate 
Draconust                       Modmate 
Storm Revisited                 Modmate 
Zybex Enshrined                 Modmate 
Beyond Eden (Nino...)           Nexus 6 
Discover                        Nexus 6 
Ga!                             Nexus 6 
Johnny B. (The Hooters)         Nexus 6 
Moskito Attack                  Nexus 6 
Nexus of Sominus Theme          Nexus 6 
Red Movement                    Nexus 6 
Times of Lore                   Nigel Pritchard 
Crossland                       Paul Shields    
Espionage                       Paul Summers    
Fighting Soccer                 Paul Summers    
Matrix Marauders                Paul Summers    
Predator                        Paul Summers    
Rainbow Warriors                Paul Summers    
Stryx                           Paul Summers    
Elvira II                       Philip Nixon    
Compofiller 2013                Rhino   
Quartet 1.0 demo tunes          Rob Povey       
Unreal                          Roderic Mege    
Compo Breaker                   Serpent 
Lands of Havoc                  Steve Bak       
For Abyss                       Tao - STMYGM 2 version
Just Feel It                    Tao - STMYGM 2 version
Nostalgic_O Dots Revenge        Tao - 2 SID
Nostalgic_O Fractal Blast       Tao - 2 SID     
Nostalgic_O Ikari Union         Tao - 2 SID     
Nostalgic_O Main Menu           Tao - 2 SID     
Treasure Island intro           Tomchi  
Postman Pat 3                   Unknown Composer        
Space Harrier                   Unknown Composer        
One Day Wonder                  V0yager 
Carrot                          X The Beermat   
Deal                            X The Beermat   
Drag                            X The Beermat   
Dunno                           X The Beermat   
Mud                             X The Beermat   
Next                            X The Beermat   
Night                           X The Beermat   
Now                             X The Beermat   
Yours                           X The Beermat   
Eindbaasmix                     Xyce    
Celestial Sphere                Yerzmyey        
Out Of The Mist                 Yerzmyey        
Stage                           505 - Fixed MFP issue
Dizzy: Prince Of Yolkfolk       4-Mat                   
The Sword and the Rose          Allister Brimble - Removed dupe
McDonald Land                   Andi McGinty - All subtunes included
PYM - BPC chip                  Big Alec - Renamed due to inclusion of proper
                                digi drum version
PYM - Main Menu chip            Big Alec - Renamed due to inclusion of proper
                                digi drum version
What Time Is It ?(Scrolly)      Big Alec - Fixed missing first 8 seconds
Hydra                           Chris Scudds - Tunes crashed at song end.
Killing Game Show               Count Zero - Fixed default tune to #22
Drivin Force                    Dave Hasler - Composer update
Elvira                          Dave Hasler - Fixed composer name
Ninja Spirit                    Dave Hasler - Composer update
The Punisher                    Dave Hasler - Composer update
Dan Dare III - The Escape       David Whittaker - Fixed Title name
Kid Gloves                      David Whittaker - Added all sub tunes
Outrun                          David Whittaker - Fixed composer (J.C Brooke)
Warlock the Avenger             David Whittaker - Reduced subtunes, sub music
                                was from Cloud Kingdoms and most sub tunes
                                inaccessible within game
Fire & Ice                      Jason Page - All subtunes included
A Sixties Slow                  Jess - System compliant / new tags
Akira Versus Sangoku            Jess - System compliant / new tags
Another Western Legend          Jess - System compliant / new tags
Concerto For Acid Band          Jess - System compliant / new tags
Cubase versus Notator           Jess - System compliant / new tags
Do You Speak Russian            Jess - System compliant / new tags
Dyscomelodus                    Jess - Name / system compliant / new tags
Echelle                         Jess - Name / system compliant / new tags
For Your Loader 1               Jess - System compliant / new tags
For Your Loader 2               Jess - System compliant / new tags
For Your Loader 3               Jess - System compliant / new tags
Generation 2.0                  Jess - System compliant / new tags
Guile                           Jess - Name / system compliant / new tags
Hardrock Ballad                 Jess - System compliant / new tags
I Found The Dead Zone           Jess - System compliant / New tags
I Want U 2 Shoot'em UP          Jess - System compliant / new tags
If It Works Good                Jess - System compliant / new tags
Jochen Spirit                   Jess - System compliant / new tags
Lemon Squeezers Dream           Jess - System compliant / new tags
Let Ze Djoard Bells Ring        Jess - Name / System compliant / New tags
Middle Earth Theme              Jess - System compliant / new tags
Middle Earth Theme (chip)       Jess - System compliant / new tags
My First Resonant Burp Ste      Jess - System compliant / new tags
My First Resonant Burp STf      Jess - All system compliant and new tags
My ST Suntans in Brazil         Jess - System compliant / new tags
Not a Soporific Lullaby         Jess - System compliant / new tags
Pentatonik Illusion             Jess - System compliant / new tags
Please, No                      Jess - System compliant / new tags
Protect Your Environment        Jess - Typo / system compliant / new tags
Psychosonorous Disorder         Jess - System compliant / New tags
Run For Your Life               Jess - System compliant / new tags
See Ya Again on Falcon          Jess - System compliant / New tag
Sharpness Buzztone              Jess - System compliant / New tags
SOS: Means Save Our ST          Jess - System compliant / new tags
Super Mario Bros Family         Jess - Name / system compliant / new tags
Tears On My Keyboard            Jess - System compliant / new tags
That's Illogical Captain        Jess - System compliant / New tags
The Battle Of Arpeggios         Jess - Typo / System compliant / New tags
The Legacy Nightmare            Jess - System compliant / new tags
The Music Bootsector            Jess - System compliant / new tags
The Music Bootsector Remix      Jess - Remix by Ben for SFX test
The Name's Bond, Jess Bond      Jess - System compliant / new tags
The Popples Revenge             Jess - System compliant / new tags
The Singing Green Frog          Jess - System compliant / new tags
The Twin Paradox                Jess - Ben: original file patched with MOVEP.W and YM 
                                register select intimer rout.
The Un-dead Horror Show         Jess - System compliant / new tags
Throw It In A Trash Can         Jess - System compliant, YEAR/FLAG/TIME added
Throw The Confettis             Jess - System compliant / new tags
Tra La Li and Tra La La         Jess - System compliant / new tags 
Unfinished, Sorry AN Cool       Jess - System compliant / new tags
Kid Gloves 2                    Justin Scharvona - Sub composer (Andy Severn)
Traxxer 2                       Marcer - Removed timer-c hook.
Mighty Bombjack                 Mark Cooksey    
Ventura - Hystanders            Mephisto - Fixed - only one subtune
Hyper dog poo                   Miggy - Replaced timer C by timer D
Sisco Sun (Unfinished)          Miggy - Replaced timer C by timer D
Thunderwing                     Nigel Pritchard - Changed default start tune
Jug                             Paul Shields - Added missing highscore music.
Everton FC Intelligensia        Paul Summers - Fixed composer name
P47 The Freedom Fighter         Paul Summers - Fixed composer name
SDI (Activision)                Paul Summers - Fixed composer name
Sonic Boom                      Paul Summers - Fixed composer name
Synergy Demo - Credits          Scavenger - Renamed Not Reset!
Synergy Demo - Symbiosis        Scavenger - Renamed Not Odyssey!
Elvira - The Arcade Game        Sean Connolly   
Chillout                        Stu - Removed timer-c hook
Synthetic Visions - Hidden      Tangens - Fixed - added all 7 subtunes
Heftig (Sillyventure 2010)      Tao - Replaced timer C by timer A
Nostalgic--O Chased             Tao - Non demo version with 3 Sid voice
Nostalgic--O Credits            Tao - Non demo version with 3 Sid voice
Nostalgic--O Dots Revenge       Tao - Non demo version with 3 Sid voice
Nostalgic--O Fractal Blast      Tao - Non demo version with 3 Sid voice
Nostalgic--O Ikari              Tao - Non demo version with 3 Sid voice
Nostalgic--O Ikari Unused       Tao - Non demo version with 3 Sid voice
Nostalgic--O Intro              Tao - Non demo version with 3 Sid voice
Nostalgic--O Loader             Tao - Non demo version with 3 Sid voice
Nostalgic--O Main Menu          Tao - Non demo version with 3 Sid voice
Nostalgic--O Reset              Tao - Non demo version with extra SID voice
Torture - SSD                   Tao - Replaced file, was not ICEd
C++ Is Forbidden Part 1         Xyce - Filename fix

UCM 15                          505 - Same as Mystic Bytes 2
Sword and Rose                  Allister Brimble - Same as Sword & the Rose
Laser Squad                     Ben Daglish - Same as Matt Furniss version
Treat Final                     D-Force - Same as Treat
Frosty's Music 2                Excellence in Art - Same as Frosty's Music
1990                            Gary Wheaton - Same as Chuckie Egg II remix
Spictro                         Housemania - Same as ISO Houseman
Song 9                          Jedi - Same as Kidney Bean 5
Sega World Champ Soccer         Mark Cooksey - Same as World Champ. Soccer
WWF European Rampage            Mark Cooksey - Same as Andi Mcginty version
GSC 30                          No More - Same as Jedi Stephanie
Stax 53 - Tune 3                Sally / Same as Great
Outline                         SH3 - Same as Outline by MSG
Pompey Pirates Menu 77          Sparky - Same as Just 4 Fun
Choux H                         Ultimatum - Same as Kidney Bean 5
BSW 121                         Unknown - Same as Ralph 4
Huno Demo                       Unknown - Same as Remalon Unlimited Cho
Powerbass                       Unknown - Same as Roggie Powerbass


V4.2 (September 2, 2013)

256 new/updated SNDH files (482 sub-tunes).

A new update is upon us. This is a mixed bag really containing tunes 
from both ends of the quality spectrum. 

Highlights includes : -

+ Thalion Sound Demo digital tunes
+ 18 tunes from a new musician called Xyno 
+ A major update of tunes by Scottish Quartet composer - Roggie

More information can be found in the SNDH blog which I'll update very soon.

# signifies fix
Title                                   Composer
Arping                                  505     
Blazing                                 505     
Blazing (Digidrums)                     505     
Blink                                   505     
December                                505     
Hopping                                 505     
Jingle 01                               505     
Mist                                    505     
Mysery                                  505     
Sidarta                                 505     
UCM 20                                  505     
Nibbel is Small Kermit is Fat           7an     
Bombz                                   Alex Herbert #
The Simpsons - Bart vs The World        Andi McGinty    
Euroquiz                                Arthur F Vosseler
Hate                                    Ben Daglish #   
Pac-mania                               Ben Daglish #
Gnurk Bobo                              Blue Nun        
Gnurk Intro                             Blue Nun        
Gnurk Loader                            Blue Nun        
Gnurk Misspell                          Blue Nun        
Gnurk Snor Bobs                         Celtic  
Blues Brothers                          Christophe Fevre        
Spirit of Excalibur                     Christopher Barker
The Third Courier                       Christopher Barker
Iron Trackers                           Claude Abromont 
Killerball                              Claude Abromont 
Kaiser                                  Claudio Kronmuller
The Year After - Risk 1                 Danny Oneway    
The Year After - Risk 2                 Danny Oneway    
War in Middle Earth                     David Schroeder
Circus Backstage                        Dma-Sc  
Liberators - Kick De Bucket             Dubmood 
Lost Refound Unfinished Dub Session     Dubmood 
Cerror Rulez                            Elrinth 
Super Sensori                           Eric Thoner
Idas Sommarvisa                         Excellence In Art       
SledgeBusters                           Excellence In Art       
Smakrik                                 Excellence In Art       
A8 Menu                                 Gary Wheaton
Abhonk (aboriginal version)             Gary Wheaton
Backlash                                Gary Wheaton
Bandit                                  Gary Wheaton
Bass                                    Gary Wheaton
Batman                                  Gary Wheaton
Belgium                                 Gary Wheaton
Beware of my Love                       Gary Wheaton
Boom                                    Gary Wheaton
British Anthem (West Indian Style)      Gary Wheaton
Chuckie Egg II                          Gary Wheaton
Chuckie Egg II remix                    Gary Wheaton
Circus                                  Gary Wheaton
Colours                                 Gary Wheaton
Cuddly Demos Main Menu                  Gary Wheaton
Dear Boy                                Gary Wheaton
Don't let the sun go down on me         Gary Wheaton
Douglas Rockmoor 1                      Gary Wheaton
Dream 10                                Gary Wheaton
Fell in the horse shit in his suit      Gary Wheaton
Fractal                                 Gary Wheaton
Galaxia                                 Gary Wheaton
Handle with Care                        Gary Wheaton
Home Drunk                              Gary Wheaton
Honey Pie                               Gary Wheaton
Honk                                    Gary Wheaton
I'm knitting with only one needle       Gary Wheaton
Jimi                                    Gary Wheaton
Jingle                                  Gary Wheaton
Let It Be                               Gary Wheaton
Liane                                   Gary Wheaton
Like a Hurricane                        Gary Wheaton
Lisa                                    Gary Wheaton
Masters of Magic                        Gary Wheaton
Medley                                  Gary Wheaton
Miner 2049er                            Gary Wheaton
Moondance                               Gary Wheaton
Munsters                                Gary Wheaton
Necros                                  Gary Wheaton
New Relgion                             Gary Wheaton
Not quite a new car                     Gary Wheaton
Old Man                                 Gary Wheaton
Out on the Weekend                      Gary Wheaton
Pacman                                  Gary Wheaton
Peewee's Big Adeventure                 Gary Wheaton
Permanent Waves                         Gary Wheaton
Ram on                                  Gary Wheaton
Real Programmer                         Gary Wheaton
Scarborough Fair                        Gary Wheaton
Sea Fishermen                           Gary Wheaton
So Watt                                 Gary Wheaton
So Watt Remix                           Gary Wheaton
Strawberry Fields                       Gary Wheaton
Tangerine Dream 2                       Gary Wheaton
The earth dies screaming                Gary Wheaton
The Monkey Man                          Gary Wheaton
Tri Heli                                Gary Wheaton
Unfinished - Greetings                  Gary Wheaton
Womble Song                             Gary Wheaton
1st Maths                               Geoff Camp      
Maths X                                 Geoff Camp      
Maths X 2                               Geoff Camp      
Hybrid                                  Hybrid  
Swirl                                   Hybrid  
Detonate                                Ian Blair       
Rambo III                               Jonathan Dunn # 
Noisy Again 2013                        Lotek Style     
Axel F                                  Mad Max 
Defcon                                  Mad Max 
In 80 Days Around the World             Mad Max 
In 80 Days Around the World digi        Mad Max 
Jinks Digi                              Mad Max 
Thalion Fever                           Mad Max 
Thalion Forever                         Mad Max 
Robert in the Fire Factory              Manfred Becker  
Wolfchild                               Martin Iveson #
Deuteros                                Martin Walker #
Shadow Warriors                         Matt Furniss    
Defend The Earth 2                      Michael Haar    
Derwurm 2                               Michael Haar    
Tetris X                                Michael Haar    
Childhood Heroes                        Modmate 
Silly Jet Willy                         Modmate 
Ivanhoe                                 Pierre-Eric Loriaux #   
Protector                               Riff    
Ameobas rule ok                         Roggie  
Bach                                    Roggie  
Bag of Tomato Crisps                    Roggie  
Beef Barbeque                           Roggie  
Dreams                                  Roggie  
Echoes                                  Roggie  
F.O.A.D. ya bam                         Roggie  
Florence Loves Dougal                   Roggie  
Give me the rice pudding                Roggie  
Haggies Man                             Roggie  
Inferno                                 Roggie  
Interludes 1-4                          Roggie  
Interludes 5-6                          Roggie  
Is he a mule?                           Roggie  
Legacy                                  Roggie  
Odyssey                                 Roggie  
Ooooer my digits fell off               Roggie  
Phobia                                  Roggie  
Pocket Warmer                           Roggie  
Power Bass                              Roggie  
Prelude                                 Roggie  
Quasar                                  Roggie  
RFC Ok                                  Roggie
Rissoto Supreme and Custard             Roggie                                  
Roggie 15                               Roggie
Roggie 16                               Roggie  
Roggie 17                               Roggie  
Roggie 18                               Roggie  
Roggie 19                               Roggie  
Roggie 20                               Roggie  
Roggie The baked bean on toast          Roggie  
Shoo and away ye go                     Roggie  
Sonixx                                  Roggie  
Spellbound                              Roggie  
Spleen music                            Roggie  
Spooked                                 Roggie  
STC                                     Roggie  
STC end                                 Roggie  
The Realm                               Roggie  
The Works                               Roggie  
Three pints of milk please              Roggie  
Variations                              Roggie  
Who stood on the caterpillar?           Roggie  
Backlash                                Simon Berry #
Projectyle                              Steve Wheterill #
...Do Things - Magic Synth 3.0 version  Tao     
150 mph - Magic Synth 3.0 version       Tao     
150 mph - STMYGM2 version               Tao     
Ace 2 (Rob Hubbard cover)               Tao     
Airwaves - Magic Synth 3.0 version      Tao     
Androids - STMYGM2 version              Tao     
Birth - Magic Synth 3.0 version         Tao     
Building a Ruin - Magic Synth 3.0 versi Tao     
Call Me - STMYGM2 version               Tao     
For Abyss - STMYGM2 version             Tao     
Fractals - Magic Synth 3.0 version      Tao     
Happy End - Magic Synth 3.0 version     Tao     
Intensity - Magic Synth 3.0 version     Tao     
Lost - Magic Synth 3.0 version          Tao     
Magnetic - Magic Synth 3.0 version      Tao     
MineSweeper - Magic Synth 3.0 version   Tao     
Nostalgia - Magic Synth 3.0 version     Tao     
One on One - Magic Synth 3.0 version    Tao     
Powerman - STMYGM2 version              Tao     
Prelude - STMYGM2 version               Tao     
Rise - STMYGM2 version                  Tao
Seagulls - Magic Synth 3.0 version      Tao     
Seagulls - STMYGM2 version              Tao     
Silly Shuffle - Magic Synth 3.0 version Tao     
Stars - Magic Synth 3.0 version         Tao     
Stella Polaris - Magic Synth 3.0 versio Tao     
Steps - STMYGM2 version                 Tao     
Sunriders - STMYGM2 version             Tao     
Sunshine - Magic Synth 3.0 version      Tao     
The Arrival - STMYGM2 version           Tao     
The Cave - STMYGM2 version              Tao     
The Core - Magic Synth 3.0 version      Tao     
The Dancer - Magic Synth 3.0 version    Tao     
The Dancer - STMYGM2 version            Tao     
The Entrance - Magic Synth 3.0 version  Tao     
Torture - Magic Synth 3.0 version       Tao     
Toxygen - Magic Synth 3.0 version       Tao     
Walk on Ice - STMYGM2 version           Tao     
Wide Awake - Magic Synth 3.0 version    Tao     
Wide Awake - STMYGM2 version            Tao     
Sonic Boom                              The Source      
Star Trash                              Timo Bauer #    
Stampede 1                              Tony Williams   
Killer                                  Tufty   
Alture                                  Unknown Composer        
Andante6                                Unknown Composer        
Baall2                                  Unknown Composer        
Bumerang 2                              Unknown Composer        
Carry All                               Unknown Composer        
Cityroad                                Unknown Composer        
Danza                                   Unknown Composer        
Dizzy Wizard                            Unknown Composer        
Fantastic World                         Unknown Composer        
Fantastic World 2                       Unknown Composer        
gggra125                                Unknown Composer        
I-Ball                                  Unknown Composer #
Infanzia                                Unknown Composer
Into The Eagles Nest - Title            Unknown Composer #
Kampf                                   Unknown Composer        
Karlchen                                Unknown Composer        
Lauderbilder                            Unknown Composer        
Michelle                                Unknown Composer
Orfana                                  Unknown Composer
Pompom                                  Unknown Composer
Risvegli                                Unknown Composer
Rumores                                 Unknown Composer
Title Designer                          Unknown Composer
I-Ball 2                                Wally Beben
Superman - The Man of Steel             Wally Beben
A La Plage!                             XyNo
Blipskill                               XyNo
Cheeselame                              XyNo
Cyborgs N' Clubs                        XyNo
Danceurfuckout!?                        XyNo
Darkrooms                               XyNo
Hip STfucck Hop !                       XyNo
Insecure                                XyNo
Napalm Loader ST                        XyNo
Not A 0110100101                        XyNo
Pocaille Burger!                        XyNo
That Fuckr                              XyNo
Waiting Updates                         XyNo
Walebrks!                               XyNo  
Why Emm?                                XyNo  
Xc3n Bday 48H                           XyNo  
YMizuself                               XyNo  
YS1 Minea Town ST Cover                 XyNo


V4.1 (March 13, 2013)

146 new/updated SNDH files (206 sub-tunes).

We pass the 7000 sub-tune total!!

Welcome to a new update of the SNDH archive.

Highlights this time includes : -

+ Music from the un-released game M.U.D.S. 
sent directly to us by Mad Max! 

+ All the tunes from the recent Silly 
Venture party.  

+ Exotic digi musics like Starglider using
our new replayer

+ and finally! The B.I.G. demo digital
department. How did this go un-ripped for so

We now have an SNDH blog so you can keep
up-to-date with the SNDH archive and to glean
additional information about each release.

Title                           Composer
Aragorn - UCM 22                505
Chasey Intro                    505
Mutative                        505
Decisive Factor                 !Cube
Dizzzruptor part 3              !Cube
Outpost                         !Cube
Renaissance                     !Cube
KIller                          Adamski
Puzzlepuzzle                    Andreas Maier
RGB                             Arnauld Chevallier
Advantage Tennis                Charles Callet
Pick N Pile                     Charles Callet
NTM Demo - TGE                  Chris TGE
Starglider - Title              Dave Lowe
Skit                            Dma-Sc
Projectyle                      Eldrich The Cat
Altair - Title                  Fabrice Decroix
Belegost                        Frantisek Fuka
Jernanger                       Frequent
Ace Invaders                    Gary Wheaton
Clodhopper                      Gary Wheaton
Cyberstorm Loader               Gary Wheaton
Cyberstorm Title                Gary Wheaton
Flying                          Gary Wheaton
JS Bach                         Gary Wheaton
Juandeho                        Gary Wheaton
Sidelong                        Gary Wheaton
Murdered                        Hylst
Frost Byte - Title              I. Waugh
Tolteka - Title                 Ingo Massalski
TimeRunner - Title              Janette R. Armstrong
Touring Car Racer               Jeremy Das
My First Resonant Burp - STe    Jess
Lemmings                        Justin Scharvona
Approaching the Endzeit         Lotek Style
Morphonic Lab XI                LSL
Ace 2                           Mad Max
Arkanoid (Digidrum)             Mad Max
Labello                         Mad Max
MUDS                            Mad Max
Phantom of the Asteroid         Mad Max
Sanxion Loader                  Mad Max
Starpaws                        Mad Max
Turrican Digi Music             Mad Max
Devious Designs Digi            Martin Walker
Mutative                        Michu
Chasey End                      Mr Coke
Chasey Loader                   Mr Coke
Dasda                           Mr Coke
Yet Another 4k Intro            Mr Coke
MSI Sound Demo                  Mr Saigon
Hoversprint                     P Webb
Bzdet                           Pinokio
Airwolf (Sylvester Levay)       Rhino
Bumble Beezer                   Rhino
Three out of Four               Rhino
Cadaver Intro                   Richard Joseph
Axel F                          Scott Lemmon
Elenor                          Scott Lemmon
Fish                            Scott Lemmon
Geosong                         Scott Lemmon
House of the Rising Sun         Scott Lemmon
I am the Walrus                 Scott Lemmon
Instod5                         Scott Lemmon
Ivan 2                          Scott Lemmon
Ivan 3                          Scott Lemmon
Paranoid                        Scott Lemmon
Piggies                         Scott Lemmon
RSMTST                          Scott Lemmon
SRL 4                           Scott Lemmon
The Song                        Scott Lemmon
Thrash 1                        Scott Lemmon
Thrash 5                        Scott Lemmon
Work                            Scott Lemmon
Stone Age Menu                  Skidz
Stampede 1                      Sound Images
Sillyride                       Tao
MSI Sound Demo                  The Archmage
Muda                            Tomchi
Lorna                           TPM
A1                              Unknown Composer
Acid 1                          Unknown Composer
Adamski                         Unknown Composer
Andalusa                        Unknown Composer
Around                          Unknown Composer
Asterix im Morgenland - Title   Unknown Composer
Atahym                          Unknown Composer
B1 MIT                          Unknown Composer
B1 Ohne                         Unknown Composer
Bach                            Unknown Composer
Bangkok Knights                 Unknown Composer
Blueberry Hill                  Unknown Composer
C1                              Unknown Composer
C1 Like                         Unknown Composer
D1 M Like                       Unknown Composer
Dampf                           Unknown Composer
Delta                           Unknown Composer
Dobru Noc                       Unknown Composer
Dyer Maker                      Unknown Composer
E1                              Unknown Composer
E1 like                         Unknown Composer
E1 Ohne                         Unknown Composer
England                         Unknown Composer
Falsch1                         Unknown Composer
Finnland                        Unknown Composer
Holland                         Unknown Composer
Hommage                         Unknown Composer
Into The Eagles Nest - Title    Unknown Composer
Klassik1                        Unknown Composer
Kobyly                          Unknown Composer
Ladeer                          Unknown Composer
LT Fuge 2                       Unknown Composer
Magnetic Fields 2               Unknown Composer
Marseill                        Unknown Composer
Menuet                          Unknown Composer
Menuett                         Unknown Composer
Mewilo - Title                  Unknown Composer
Musik                           Unknown Composer
Musik 001                       Unknown Composer
Musik 002                       Unknown Composer
Power Bass                      Unknown Composer
Richrig1                        Unknown Composer
Risvegli                        Unknown Composer
Rumores                         Unknown Composer
Sanxion Loader                  Unknown Composer
Sevilla                         Unknown Composer
Son Of God                      Unknown Composer
Sound 1                         Unknown Composer
Sound 2                         Unknown Composer
Sound 3                         Unknown Composer
Sound1                          Unknown Composer
Sterrei                         Unknown Composer
Studie 9                        Unknown Composer
Tango                           Unknown Composer
Tango 001                       Unknown Composer
Timo1                           Unknown Composer
Titel                           Unknown Composer
Udssr                           Unknown Composer
Under The Bridge                Unknown Composer
Ungarn                          Unknown Composer
Victory - Title                 Unknown Composer
Volkslied                       Unknown Composer
C++ Is Forbidden Part 1         Xyce
C++ Is Forbidden Part 1 (SID)   Xyce
C++ Is Forbidden Part 2         Xyce
Wake Up                         Yerzmyey


V4.0 (October 31, 2012)

121 new SNDH files (240 sub-tunes).

Well this has been in the works since 
Outline 2010. I've always wanted to add
exotic digi-tracks to the archive. 

One such format is Quartet which was used
in both demos and commercial games.

So now it arrives, signalling SNDH library v4.

The accompanying SNDH's have a number of
advantages over native Quartet files, 

 + Each file has 3 built-in replayers
for STFM, STE and Falcon respecively. The
player will automatically default to 
superior sound quality.

 + SNDH allows for sub-tunes which 
drastically reduces filesizes.

 + Library 4.0 updates the SNDH file-format.
Both default tune and sub-tune names are now
catered for. (see the SNDH 2.1 fileformat page
at our main site).

Thanks to gwEm and Evil for testing and


Title                           Composer

TEC Demo                        BB
Metal Masters                   Charles Callet
Combo Racer Intro               Chris TGE
Decade Demo - Quartet           Count Zero
Shadow of the Beast             David Whittaker
Gazza2                          David Whittaker
The Killing Cloud               David Whittaker
Supremacy                       David Whittaker
Fire & Brimstone                David Whittaker
International Soccer Challenge  David Whittaker
Snow Strike                     David Whittaker
Dan Dare III                    David Whittaker
Loopz                           David Whittaker
Wrath of The Demon              David Whittaker
Tusker Digi                     Eldrich The Cat
Projectyle                      Eldrich The Cat
Excited                         Exarch
Psychedelika                    Exarch
Scientia                        Exarch
Son Et Lumiere                  Exarch
Back To The Golden Age          F Smadja
Disciples of Steel              Jim Smelley
TEC Demo                        JO
Narco Police                    Jose A. Martin
LTK Music Disk                  LTK
Defender 2                      Martin Walker
Hunter                          Martin Walker
Shadow Sorcerer                 Martin Walker
Gettysburg                      Martin Walker
Spindizzy Worlds                Martin Walker
Thunderhawk AH-73M Title        Martin Walker
Thunderhawk AH-73M In Game      Martin Walker
Aquanaut                        Max Headroom
Mig                             Miggy
Magic Fly                       Mr Micro
Rising 1                        Nexus 6
Rising 2                        Nexus 6
Cadaver Intro                   Richard Joseph
Speedball 2                     Richard Joseph
International 3D Tennis Intro   Richard Joseph
International 3D Tennis Main    Richard Joseph
Decade Demo - Quartet           Roggie
Disk Mag                        Roggie
Minuet 1                        Roggie
Minuet 2                        Roggie
Ripped Off                      Roggie
Guy Fawkes                      Sean O'Connor
Stampede 1                      Sound Images
Absentia                        Sparky
Bachola - From a Bach 3-part    Sparky
Badd Boy - Lode Runner Forever  Sparky
Dogs Life - For PP Sledgehammer Sparky
Fistfull of Dollars             Sparky
Just 4 Fun                      Sparky
MC DES'er - For DES and Juggler Sparky
Magnetic Fields 2               Sparky
Sledge - For PP Sledgehammer    Sparky
War and Pieces (Nuke Iraq?)     Sparky
Pompey Pirates #77              Sparky
Pompey Pirates #84              Sparky
Pompey Pirates #106             Sparky
Twitch                          Sparky
Wave                            Sparky
Ooh Crikey - Intro              Spaz
Ooh Crikey - Chainsaw Massacre  Spaz
Ooh Crikey - What a Bummer      Spaz
Ooh Crikey - Homische Sackratte Spaz
Ooh Crikey - Reset              Spaz
Punish Your Machine Reset       Spaz
Starball                        Spaz
Dark Side of the Spoon - TLB    Spaz
Mindbomb Digi Synth             Spaz
Dead Orgy 2                     Spaz
Manic Demo - Intro              Spector
Manic Demo - LED                Spector
Quartet Music Demo 2            Spherical
Disciples of Steel              Steve Schrade
Stampede 4                      Stewart Gardner
Stampede 5                      Stewart Gardner
Stampede 6                      Stewart Gardner
Stampede 7                      Stewart Gardner
TEC Demo                        TEC
TEC Demo Intro                  TEC
Insignificant Demo              The Phantom
A Cappella Choir                Tufty
Aces High                       Tufty
Don't Break My Heart - UB40     Tufty
C64                             Tufty
C64 Caz                         Tufty
Hot Guitarin                    Tufty
Hypnotic                        Tufty
I Feel Love - Donna Summer      Tufty
Kaos 1                          Tufty
Kaos 1 Hyp                      Tufty
Killer - Adamski                Tufty
Knucklebusters                  Tufty
Mirage                          Tufty
Nsynth                          Tufty
Numan                           Tufty
Numero                          Tufty
Pandemonium Demo - Acid         Tufty
Paradise (Sade)                 Tufty
Rev1                            Tufty
Robo 16                         Tufty
Tuft 2                          Tufty
Tuft 2 a                        Tufty
Vangelis 2                      Tufty
Vangelis                        Tufty
Dear Boy                        Tufty
Red New 3                       Tufty
Pyro                            Tufty
Weird                           Tufty
Wunder                          Tufty
Roger Rabbit                    Tufty
My Digi Demo 2                  Tufty
Big Bang                        Waldemar Belwon
Hey (Music Show 1)              Waldemar Belwon
Power (Music Show 1)            Waldemar Belwon
Time Machine - Digi             Wally Beben
Wreckers                        Warren Cann
Ventura Demo - Reset (Humuskus) waxup


V3.4 (October 2, 2012)

73 new/updated SNDH files (84 tunes).

With Outline on the horizon we bring you a 
long overdue SNDH pack.

Quite a varied with pack with some lovely new
tunes including compositions by XIA, DMA-SC
and 505.

We've also updated some files with missing sub
tunes, thanks to Pavel Puchala for the info!

Finally, Grazey found he'd criminally missed
some Chris Mad tunes from the Overdrive Demo
way back in the 90's, this has been

Expect a rather different release next time!

Remember if you'd like to comment, give bugs or
suggest a tune you would like, please feel free
to post to our forum at :-

Grazey-PHF / Evil-DHS

Title                           Composer

Sommarhack 2011 Report Pt2      505
Stress                          505
No Stress                       505
Shazz YM6channel 123            505
Shazz YM6channel 456            505
Base Case                       505
Bagatelle                       505
Revision 2012                   505
Outline 2010 Invitro            505
Jacktro                         505
Compofiller 3000                Baggio
David Whittaker Demo            Chris Mad
Overdrive Pharadist             Chris Mad
Overdrive Bitmap Mania          Chris Mad
Overdrive Times                 Chris Mad
Overdrive Music Box             Chris Mad
ATARI: su-ba-ra-shii            Dma-Sc
CYG Japan                       Dma-Sc
Antiques - 3D Part              Dma-Sc
Antiques - Hi-Colours Slideshow Dma-Sc
Antiques - IFF Slideshow        Dma-Sc
Antiques - Intro                Dma-Sc
Antiques - Physics Part         Dma-Sc
Antiques - Ending               Dma-Sc
Antiques - Hidden               Dma-Sc
Antiques - Loader 1             Dma-Sc
Antiques - Loader 2             Dma-Sc
Antiques - Loader 3             Dma-Sc
STreet Art                      Dma-Sc
Saboteur 3 - Crew Logo          Dma-Sc
Saboteur 3 - Ending             Dma-Sc
Saboteur 3 - Gains              Dma-Sc
Saboteur 3 - Game Over          Dma-Sc
Saboteur 3 - In Game 1          Dma-Sc
Saboteur 3 - In Game 2          Dma-Sc
Saboteur 3 - Introduction       Dma-Sc
Saboteur 3 - The Mummy Rises    Dma-Sc
Saboteur 3 - Title Screen       Dma-Sc
Silly Cone                      Epi
Talk Talk 2 - Loader            Excellence In Art
Talk Talk 2 - Jim Parker        Excellence In Art *MOVED*
Sommarhack 2011 Report Pt3      Excellence In Art *MOVED*
Sunshine                        Excellence In Art
Injector                        Excellence In Art
Spy vs Spy                      gwEm
Zoomer                          Jedi
Nothing Is More - Song 1        Jedi
Nothing Is More - Song 2        Jedi
Nothing Is More - Song 3        Jedi
Nothing Is More - Song 4        Jedi
DNT Paper 4 intro - Song 1      Jedi
DNT Paper 4 intro - Song 2      Jedi
Shoot Preview                   Jedi
So Lame                         Jedi
The Ultimate Boothunt           Jedi
Robocop 2                       Keith Tinman *UPDATE*
Lap 27                          Lap *UPDATE*
Pink and a Byss!                Rebb
French Realtime                 Rebb
Xmas 2011                       Rhino
Sundown 2012                    Rhino
Dawn                            Starbuck
Der Traum                       Starbuck
Exercise Wheel                  Starbuck
Blackbird                       The Estate
Polish Waitress                 Timbral
LTC 08 sheep n chip             Tomchi
Pakakaka                        Tomchi
Saucage 3D                      Xyce
Quelle Surprise                 Xyce
STandard Crap                   Yerzmyey
Silly Venture 2010 Invite       Yerzmyey
Get Mad                         Yerzmyey

Mike Mix                        Excellence In Art *DELETED*
Word Read Me                    Excellence In Art *DELETED*


V3.3 (October 30, 2011)

50 new/updated SNDH files (72 tunes).

Fellow PHFer gwEm gave me a shot of motivation,
spurring me into a compiling blitz,
resulting in a much needed SNDH pack.

The pack mainly focuses on music released 
over the past 10 months. A few fixes are also
included rectifying missing subtunes and 
bugged replayers.

As usual I've added a rarity, this time another
Mad Max digi conversion :- Hubbard's 
International Karate (it gets funky at 3:42)

Also thanks to ggn for converting some XIA tunes
easing my usual lone burden. 

Remember if you'd like to comment, give bugs or
suggest a tune you would like, please feel free
to post to our forum at :-

Grazey-PHF / Evil-DHS

Title                           Composer

Blue                            505
Gr?d? Groove                    505
Hushrush                        505
Liberation                      505
Sommarhack 2011 Report Pt2      505
Triplex                         505
Deep Blue                       Damo
Datacorder                      Datavase
Frankiki                        Dma-Sc
Happy 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!      Dma-Sc
Kolmik (6 tunes)                Dma-Sc
Sillyventure 2011 Invitro       Dma-Sc
Superstar                       Dma-Sc
The 2149 Gang                   Dma-Sc
YMetal                          Dma-Sc
P2P                             Dragan Espenschied
It's Cool To Be Evil            Excellence In Art
Sommarhack 2011 Invite          Excellence In Art
Sommarhack 2011 Report Pt1      Excellence In Art
Sommarhack 2011 Report Pt3      Excellence In Art
Talk Talk 2 - Midsomer Theme    Excellence In Art
Talk Talk 2 - Loader            Excellence In Art
Talk Talk 2 - The Church EIA    Excellence In Art
They pull me back in            Excellence In Art
Word                            Excellence In Art
Word Read Me                    Excellence In Art
128 byte Choonage               gwEm
Ex In My Bed                    gwEm
Musixx                          Jari Nikula 
Ikari Warriors                  Jas C Brooke
Robocop 2                       Keith Tinman
International Karate Digi       Mad Max
Masterblazer                    Mad Max
Dafvid Demo 2 - Pt 1            Marcer
Dafvid Demo 2 - Pt 2            Marcer
Dafvid Demo 2 - Pt 3            Marcer
It's My Paradize                Marcer
Radio (Summerhack version)      Marcer
Crontab                         NebulaH
Shorty                          Rhino
Insane Level                    Stu
The Beast/Bits Club - TBC 54    T1000
Ultraflow                       Tao
Kisse Katten                    Timbaland
Fresh Bitches                   Timbral
AC2010                          Tomchi
No Monkey                       Tomchi
Sommarhack 2011 Unknown         Unknown Composer
Ses Seins                       Xyce
Silly Venture 2010 Invite       Yerzmyey 


V3.2 (December 18, 2010)

64 new/updated SNDH files (157 tunes).

Well the SNDH archive gets a winter
smattering of tunes to keep you warm
and toastie on these cold evenings.

The archive now contains a mighty 6464 tunes!
An apt total for a release I would say.

I've delved once again ripping some old tunes
plus we are bang up-to-date with cracking hot
stuff by !Cube, 505,Tomchi, DMA-SC, Yerzmyey
Tao and Divag.

A 'new' composer worthy of a mention is 
Jean Baudlot who was prolific in the busy ST
days giving tunes to classics such as Future Wars,
Operation Wolf and Cruise for a Corpse.

As usual we bring a few exclusives, most notable
is the ultra rare Mad Max conversion of 
Rob Hubbard's Skate or Die!

Finally I found a crop of old Tri-Sound songs 
which you'll find in the unknown folder. Please
contact the SNDH team if you can identify
the composer.

The next SNDH update will be quite different,
you'll see why on release!

Remember if you'd like to comment, give bugs or
suggest a tune you would like, please feel free
to post to our forum at :-

Grazey-PHF / Evil-DHS

Title                                   Composer

Crystallized                            !Cube
Blink                                   !Cube
Captain Dynamo                          4-Mat
Appendix                                505
Pozdrowienia do Gdanska                 505
Moodswinger                             505
Finja (Native mode)                     505
Finja (5 channel version)               505
Zyncyventure                            505
Goal                                    Allister Brimble
Sky High Stuntman                       Allister Brimble
Rotterdam Atari Acid                    Bioscillator
Black Hornet                            Dave Lowe
European Champions                      David Whittaker
Graham Gooch World Class Cricket        David Whittaker
One Step Beyond                         Dean Evans
Pushover                                Dean Evans
Drum 'n Buzz                            Divag
Atari Evil Circus                       Divag
Technorobotic                           Divag
Electropsychiatrique                    Divag
Mental Fury                             Divag
Medievol                                Divag
Crash To Live                           Divag
Boomjasz                                Divag
Troubled Memories                       Dma-Sc
Coast II Coast                          Dma-Sc
Coast II Coast Edit                     Dma-Sc
Noname                                  Evil
Midsomer Theme                          Excellence In Art
Scary                                   Gary Wheaton
Beach Volley                            Jean Baudlot
Operation Wolf                          Jean Baudlot
Castle Warrior                          Jean Baudlot
Dragon Ninja                            Jean Baudlot
Future Wars - Time Travellers           Jean Baudlot
Operation Stealth                       Jean Baudlot
Cruise for a Corpse                     Jean Baudlot
Pushover                                Jonathan Dunn
Juriman                                 Juri
The Godfather                           Justin Scharvona
Pushover                                Keith Tinman
Skate or Die!                           Mad Max
No Equador                              Marcer
Russian Caramba                         Marcer
Laser Squad                             Matt Furniss
Ancient Art of War in the Skies         Paul Tonge
Shark                                   Stax
Treasure Island Dizzy                   Steve Barrett
Bombabazooka (2010 version)             Stu
Around The World                        Stuart Trigg
Heftig (Sillyventure 2010)              Tao
So alone... (Live ver.)                 Timbral
No Extra                                Tomchi
ChipVenture                             Tomchi
Knucklebusters                          Unknown Composer
Zwaqwam                                 Unknown Composer
Fun Sad                                 Unknown Composer
Lame Bip                                Unknown Composer
Mars Station                            Unknown Composer
Spider Ship                             Unknown Composer
Dark Side                               Wally Beben
STandard Crap                           Yerzmyey 
Silly Venture 2010 Invite               Yerzmyey 


v3.1 (April 29th 2010)

103 new or fixed SNDH files (156 tunes).

It's Outline again!

So once again a couple of months before the party
my D-Bug activities take a back seat and music
ripping comes to the fore!

Again it's a real mixed bag with all the tunes
from the recent 20 year old STE demo and the
show stopping tunes from last years Checkpoint

We still like to throw a spanner in the works
so I've started ripping ancient tunes from
Automation menus 1-30, I'm sure you'll look
forward to these!

There's also a rare Mad Max tune featuring
one of his early digi-drum tunes. Speaking
of Mad Max expect some very rare unreleased
stuff soon as well!

Thanks must go to those musicians who keep us
up to date with their work, so big thanks to
Cerror, 505 and Ultrasyd!

Remember if you'd like to comment, give bugs or
suggest a tune you would like, please feel free
to post to our forum at :-

Grazey-PHF / Evil-DHS

Title                                       Composer
Despair                                        4-Mat
Visual Unity                                     505
Cubes                                            505
Humming                                          505
Cernit Trandafir                                 505
Direct Colour Zoomer                             505
Megademo Intro                                   505
Sommarhack Invite 2010                           505
Suretrip 2 - Stars                               505
Suretrip 2 - Part 1                              505
Suretrip 2 - Part 2                              505
Suretrip 2 - End Part                            505
Suretrip 2 - Digi                                505
Chubby Gristle                           Ben Daglish
Datass                                        Cerror
A Beginning                                   Cerror
Vermouth                                      Cerror
Loader Tune                                   Cerror
Blaxx                               Christian Wirsig
Shure Of One Thing                           D-Force
Time Ticking By                              D-Force
STNICCC                                      D-Force
Return of the Jedi                        Dave Kelly
Happy Dancefloor                              Dma-Sc
Hail To Sunny Days                            Dma-Sc
Spring Party                                  Dma-Sc
Rolling Thunder                      Donald Campbell
Cheap (in terms of CPU)            Excellence In Art
Brit                               Excellence In Art
Hit the Road Jack / tutoria        Excellence In Art
The Last Song                      Excellence In Art
They pull me back in               Excellence In Art
Trans-Y Videolife                  Excellence In Art
Save The Earth                     Excellence In Art
1812 Overture (Tchaikovsky)        Excellence In Art
Handy-man (The Knife) 1.01         Excellence In Art
$14                                Excellence In Art
Save The Earth Intro               Excellence In Art
Victory Road                               Fred Gray
Pepsi - Mad Mix Game                       Gominolas
Wings of Death #6                               gwEm
Stardust Memories                               gwEm
ze japanim                                      gwEm
Real Friends                                    gwEm
Different World (dub mix)                       gwEm
Gabba Bobble                                    gwEm
Lazy Jones remix                                gwEm
RetroModern                                     gwEm
4gEtful                                         gwEm
Fantasy                                         gwEm
Football Manager                          Kevin Toms
Ninja                                        Mad Max
Airball Remix                                Mad Max
Bach The Future                              Mad Max
Street Gang                                  Mad Max
Despair                                      Malodix
Sailor Toys                                   Marcer
Thalion Intro                                 Marcer
Axel F                                        Marcer
Blues                                         Marcer
Gamet                                         Marcer
Kid                                           Marcer
Pandora                                       Marcer
Paradize                                      Marcer
Popcorn                                       Marcer
Stax                                          Marcer
Treasure                                      Marcer
YM Out                                        Marcer
Aqua Polka                                      Nemo
Spy vs Spy                               Nick Scarim
Soldier 2000                         Nigel Pritchard
Daley Thompson's Olympic Ch           Peter Johnsson
Russer                               Peter Jorgensen
Out For You                          Peter Jorgensen
Boesseti                             Peter Jorgensen
Klatmix                              Peter Jorgensen
Ivanhoe                          Pierre-Eric Loriaux
Ratu                                        Proteque
Barbarian                             Richard Joseph
Jobil                                            Sh3
Certfied Dope - Attitude Pr                   Shamen
Certfied Dope - Filled 3D                     Shamen
Certfied Dope - In Space                      Shamen
Certfied Dope - Intro                         Shamen
Certfied Dope - Menu                          Shamen
Certfied Dope - Shape it Up                   Shamen
Certfied Dope - Sources                       Shamen
Backlash                                 Simon Berry
Bubble Bobble                             Tim Follin
Gauntlet III                              Tim Follin
Ghouls N Ghosts                           Tim Follin
Wake up kid!                                  Tomchi
Kid is VIP                                    Tomchi
The Day YM Killed Fakebit                   Ultrasyd
Brain Damaging Arps                         Ultrasyd
Lonesome Robot                              Ultrasyd
Merging Present And Past                    Ultrasyd
Trailblazer                         Unknown Composer
Veteran                             Unknown Composer
Mousetrap                           Unknown Composer
Indiana Jones and the Templ         Unknown Composer
Cybernoid                           Unknown Composer
Dragon Lord                         Unknown Composer


v3.0 (May 22nd 2009)

35 new SNDH files (56 tunes).

It's Outline! So we thought we'd release
a new SNDH pack. Grazey has been ULSing
stuff for D-Bug over recent months hence
music ripping becoming secondary.

Anyway there's some nice goodies here including
two exclusive unreleased tunes by Tao! We've 
also got gwEm's hot off the press Outline entry
for your enjoyment.

Thanks must go to those musicians who keep us
up to date with their work, so big thanks to
Cerror and Ultrasyd!

Remember if you'd like to comment, give bugs or
suggest a tune you would like, please feel free
to post to our forum at :-

Grazey - PHF / Evil - DHS

Pro Powerboat Simulator                 Allister Brimble
The Sword and The Rose                  Allister Brimble
Salvator                                Cerror
Calculon                                Cerror
Cranberry Part 1                        Cerror
Cranberry Part 2                        Cerror
Steigar                                 D Cann
Garfield 2 - Winters Tale               Dave Lowe
Line of Fire                            Dave Lowe
Mazemenu                                Dma-Sc
Daddy Freddy - Bring Your Own Bottle    Dubmood
Heatbeat vs WoTW                        Dubmood
2006_Live_Starfighter                   Dubmood
Jesters Chipmunks                       Dubmood
Tempest - Acidjazzed Evenings           Dubmood
Tempest - Acidjazzed Evenings (D-Bug)   Dubmood
D-Bug 197 Jam Version                   Dubmood
Old Unreleased Jam                      Dubmood
Good Old Fashioned Blipp Blopper!       gwEm
electronica re-shox                     Lotek Style
World Championship Soccer               Mark Cooksey
Yolanda                                 Phil Bak
T Bird                                  Riff
Ruff and Ready                          Sean Conran
Lethal Xcess Main menu full edit        Tao
Sweety full edit                        Tao
Cats Love ST                            Ultrasyd
Bouncing Banana                         Ultrasyd
Scene Spirit                            Ultrasyd
Corsair (mB cover)                      Ultrasyd
Night Dawn                              Unknown Composer
Tiger Road                              Unknown Composer
European Soccer Challenge               Unknown Composer
Time Machine                            Wally Beben
Ultimate Ride                           Wally Beben


v2.9 (November 15th 2008)

64 new or updated SNDH files (70 tunes).

A small update for you compared with recent
releases. But this is the knock on effect 
of less new tunes being released.

Note there are a couple of SNDH-Digi tunes
for your delectation, notably 505's awesome
'More or Less Zero' and Gargamel's 'Tyranny'.

Remember if you'd like to comment, give bugs or
suggest a tune you would like, please feel free
to post to our forum at :-

Grazey - PHF / Evil - DHS

Title                                    Composer

More Or Less Zero                        505
Spritze                                  AiO
Kings Quest II                           Al Lowe
Bajs 2                                   Baggio
Demo Test                                Baggio
Magmakt                                  Baggio
PMP Sug                                  Baggio
Softly                                   Baggio
Spritze                                  Baggio
Punk Ass MF                              Crazy Q
Fucking Untight Shit!                    Crazy Q
Last Ninja 2                             Dave Kelly
Starfighter 2006 live                    Dubmood
Daddy Freddy - Bring Your Own Bottle     Dubmood
Bois De La Biere                         Forestcreature
Tyranny                                  Gargamel
The Ancient Art of Chiptune              gwEm
Sounds Of 1985-2006                      Marcer
2149 Final                               Marcer
Intro 99                                 Marcer
Alice Buzz ST                            Marcer
Gillian                                  Marcer
CPU Slider Preview                       Marcer
ST Kills Rambo                           Marcer
Latina - NWD Ingame - Extended           Marcer
Cover For Maria                          Marcer
Oxygen 8 YM                              Marcer
Sleepin                                  Marcer
Jambala 8 mix                            Marcer
Turricana                                Marcer
Cool                                     Marcer
I Wish ST vers                           Marcer
Sorn Destiny                             Marcer
Might 382                                Marcer
Techno Orion                             Marcer
Heroes Intro                             Marcer
Star                                     Marcer
Bombtro                                  Stu
Danger                                   Stu
Insectz                                  Stu
Machine                                  Stu
Retina                                   Stu
Electrox                                 Stu
Dark Angel                               Stu
Singing Robot                            Stu
Stereoid Remix                           Stu
Such A Square                            Stu
Bombabazooka                             Stu
Disco Ver Atari                          Stu
Fuck Machine                             Stu
Ice Cream Dream                          Stu
Kyou Wa Koko Made                        Stu
Night Jam                                Stu
Pirate Showdown                          Stu
Ready To Score                           Stu
ST-God Back From Hell                    Stu
YM out                                   Tomchi
Bach                                     Unknown Composer
Ballade                                  Unknown Composer
Dampf                                    Unknown Composer
Prelude                                  Unknown Composer
Sailor                                   Unknown Composer
Tango                                    Unknown Composer
Starfighter 2006 live                    Zabutom



v2.8 (May 28, 2008) 

125 new SNDH files (182 tunes).
(including 2 fixed SNDH files).

Over 10 months since the last update! 

But I can explain! For all of those 
10 months I've been living in temporary
accommodation so motivation has hit a 
very low ebb. Coupled with been removed
as a user from the main SNDH support forum
I seriously contemplated packing it all

However I'm starting to perk up a bit,
we move back into our house on the 2nd June,
and I've had two wonderful holidays in New
York & Barcelona. Ok enough about me, on 
with the update......

Again a wild bunch of tunes, brand new
Outline tunes, a weird mixture of exotic
old stuff and finally the T1000 tunes :)

I'd like to thank the Cream guys for their
constant support for SNDH. New SNDH-Digi
tunes (Chambers of Shaolin, specifically)
required an update to their Winjam program.
So find a brand new SNDH plugin at :- 

Ok waffle over.....

Remember if you'd like to comment, give bugs or
suggest a tune you would like, please feel free
to post to our forum at :-

Grazey - PHF / Evil - DHS

Title                               Composer
1K_ller                             gwEm
1st Extra                           Tomchi
1st Intro                           Tomchi
Again                               505
Ahead                               505
Battle Command                      Jonathan Dunn
Blakkel                             Sh3
BSW 121                             Unknown Composer
Builder Land                        Michel Winogrado
Car Race                            Mad Max      FIX
Chambers of Shaolin Digi (STe)      Mad Max
Chambers of Shaolin Digi (STFM)     Mad Max
Chariots of Fire                    MSG
Coco Cooper                         Marcer
Dark Angel                          Stu
DCK On Board - Oldckool             Tomchi
DCKolors - Oldckool                 Tomchi
Deadland                            Justin Ward
Disturbance Bilocated               Monk
Dogfight                            Philip Bishop
Dubmoods MILF (in da park)          Orbital
Electrox                            Stu
End Screen - Oldckool               Tomchi
Enterprise                          Orall Cornelius
Enterprise                          Gordon Kennett
Evil Force #121                     Sparky
Fan Fare                            Sh3
Flipit & Magnose                    Darren Ithnell
Four Screens - Oldckool             Tomchi
G-Loc ESD Intro                     Unknown Composer
Galax (orig. Ben Daglish)           Dubmood
Gatelys                             Frequent
Glenz                               505
HAP                                 Tomchi
Heuthier                            Thothy
Huno Demo                           Unknown Composer
In Game                             Sh3
International Soccer Challenge      Unknown Composer
Intro - Oldckool                    Tomchi
Intro Tune (4-Mat)                  Dubmood
Jingle                              Thothy
Kolobki Vodka Dance                 Dubmood
Kompis tog fram en fet skiva och korDubmood
Little Sexy Square                  Crazy Q
Loader Rewind                       Sh3
Logo                                Adrian Dalecki
Manical Drop - 1 Player music #1    Dma-Sc
Manical Drop - 1 Player music #2    Dma-Sc
Manical Drop - 2 Players music #1   Dma-Sc
Manical Drop - 2 Players music #2   Dma-Sc
Manical Drop - 2 Players music #3   Dma-Sc
Manical Drop - 2 Players music #4   Dma-Sc
Manical Drop - Introduction         Dma-Sc
Manical Drop - Menu                 Dma-Sc
Medway Boys 11                      Unknown Composer
Meikever                            MSG
Minipitt_vs_wotw_intro96 (goto80 vs Dubmood
Morphonic                           505
Mouthtrap                           Darren Ithnell
Mr Deaths Omega Illusion            Dubmood
Oldiez                              Kenet
Onslaught                           Chris Hinsley FIX
Oxyron Party                        Peace
Pacemaker                           505
Parallax - Oldckool                 Tomchi
PI Bass                             Tomchi
Picrocconelle                       Tomchi
PTSPRT- Oldckool                    Tomchi
Pub Trivia Simulator                Unknown Composer
Pulstar 2                           Jedi
Pyramax                             Orall Cornelius
Requiem pt2                         Remalon
Rings of Medusa Mix                 Marcer
River City Open                     Cerror
Rorkes Drift                        Chris Denman
Saboteur 2                          Sh3
Samurai - Way of the Warrior        Chris Denman
Scrolling Rolling - Oldckool        Tomchi
Sinus - Oldckool                    Tomchi
Spicetro                            Housemania
Spy vs Spy - The Island Caper       Nick Scarim
Standard YM                         Marcer
Still DRE Alla Man borde ringt live Dubmood
Stille                              Thothy
Striker                             Chris Denman
Sword and the Rose                  Allister Brimble
Tempest fjortisfacials vs Zabutom   Dubmood
The Beast/Bits Club - TBC 10        T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TBC 11        T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TBC 12        T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TBC 13        T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TBC 14        T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TBC 15        T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TBC 16        T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TBC 17        T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TBC 18        T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TBC 19        T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TBC 22        T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TBC 24        T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TBC 25        T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TBC 27        T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TBC 3         T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TBC 32        T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TBC 34        T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TBC 35        T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TBC 4         T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TBC 5         T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TBC 7         T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TBC 9         T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TS 1          T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TS 11         T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TS 4          T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TS 5          T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TS 6          T1000
The Beast/Bits Club - TS 8          T1000
The Forest                          Crawdaddy
Travellers                          Dma-Sc
Tusker                              Eldrich The Cat
Twinworld                           Haiko Ruttmann
Twisted Life Style                  Crazy Q
Vertical DCKroll - Oldckool         Tomchi
Warmup (Black Sheep PHF)            505
We Remember                         Marcer
Web of Terror                       Chris Denman
World Trophy Soccer                 Unknown Composer


v2.7 (August 16, 2007) 3000 up!

175 new SNDH files (180 tunes).
1 bug fixed SNDH file.

The SNDH archive hits 3000 files!

175 tunes I hear you say! Less than a month from
the last SNDH pack?! Doesn't Grazey sleep?

Well the reason for the huge input of tunes is 
that I've written an automatic batch Music Studio
to SNDH converter. Music Studio was perhaps the
first chip editor on the ST. The bad news is that
most of the tunes are chronic, apart from Ed Bogas
and the tunes from Xevious and Metrocross :)

Apart from that we have new tunes released since
v2.6 and also some exclusives including unreleased
tunes from Matt '4-Mat'Simmonds, Allister Brimble
and Martin 'Nuke' Iveson (all from the unreleased
game - Arcade Classix).

Remember if you'd like to comment, give bugs or
suggest a tune you would like, please feel free
to post to our forum at :-

Grazey - PHF / Evil - DHS

Composer         Title

Agent Hippel To The Rescue        !Cube
Arcade Classix - Hiscore          4-Mat
Rare (Main part)                  Alchemist
Rare (Endpart)                    Alchemist
Auld Lang Syne                    Alice Amore
ETUDE (Opus25,No.1) by F.Chopin   Alice Amore
Arcade Classix - Missile Command  Allister Brimble
The Next Time I Fall              Barry Deutsch
Santa Clause                      Barry Deutsch
UCM 18                            Carbon
Axel F by Harold Faltermeyer      Chris French
Deck The Halls                    Chris French
The Little Drummer Boy            Chris French
Good King Wenceslas               Chris French
Jingle Bells                      Chris French
Silent Night                      Chris French
Twelve Days of Christmas          Chris French
We Wish You a Merry Christmas     Chris French
Collage with a Moustache          Crazy Q
Sexgames                          Crazy Q
Lay me Down                       Debbie Davis
Detta ar DDR!                     Dubmood
Ballad                            Ed Bogas
Aisle Dance                       Ed Bogas
Bebop                             Ed Bogas
Boogie                            Ed Bogas
Bossa Nova                        Ed Bogas
Brandenburg Concerto 2 by Bach    Ed Bogas
Calypso                           Ed Bogas
Pachelbel's Canon in D            Ed Bogas
Country Too                       Ed Bogas
Echo Rock                         Ed Bogas
Fifties                           Ed Bogas
Five Four                         Ed Bogas
Folk Song                         Ed Bogas
Harmony                           Ed Bogas
Latin                             Ed Bogas
Lead Vocal                        Ed Bogas
Prelude                           Ed Bogas
Kyrie eleison-Mozart's REQUIEM    Ed Bogas
Star-Spangled Banner              Ed Bogas
Tango                             Ed Bogas
Walker                            Ed Bogas
Waltz                             Ed Bogas
Steinras DMA                      Frequent
Garage Days Revisited             gwEm
Desafinado                        Harry Wootan
Fairest Lord Jesus                Harry Wootan
Walker                            J Green
Four Leaf Clover                  Jim Thomson
Traxxer 2                         Marcer
Valse Venezolano, by A. Lauro     Mark Quinn
Arcade Classix - Breakout         Martin Iveson
Arcade Classix - Centipede        Martin Iveson
Xevious                           Nick Jones
Dubmoods MILF (in da park)        Orbiter
Cagney & Lacey Theme              Paul Schuh
Carol of the Bells                Peter Inzerillo
Piano Man                         Peter Inzerillo
Bridge Over Troubled Water        Ron Robinson
Almost Happy                      Rubbish
Xeron Overture                    Sarek
Improvisation                     Sarek
Organic Robots                    Sarek
Sports Day                        Sarek
Stop Start                        Sarek
Witches                           Sarek
maxYMum Time Pressure             Starbuck
Chillout                          Stu
Fun Fun                           The Assassin
That's The Way (Led Zepplin)      The Assassin
Witchy Woman - Eagles (1972)      The Assassin
I Was a Fool (To Let You Go)      The Assassin
Dance of the Candy Fairy          Tim Shockley
Dubmoods MILF (in da park)        Timbral
Close Encounter of a Thrid Kind   Tom Marvin
Thunderer                         Tom Marvin
The Battle of New Orleans         Tom Walden
Wolfchild                         Unknown Composer
 # 4-Mat confirmed this track is not by him
 # Also bug fixed the tune. thanks to S Lindberg
 # for spotting this.
Metrocross                        Unknown Composer
12 Bar Blues                      Unknown Composer
She's Always A Woman              Unknown Composer
Don't Stop Believing,"Journey"    Unknown Composer
Ben Hur Chariot Race March        Unknown Composer
Both Sides Now                    Unknown Composer
Every Breath You Take - Sting     Unknown Composer
California Girls                  Unknown Composer
They Call It The Blues            Unknown Composer
Cavlary                           Unknown Composer
Pachelbel's Canon in D            Unknown Composer
Carry On                          Unknown Composer
Good Time Charlie                 Unknown Composer
Children's Corner # 1             Unknown Composer
Children's Corner # 2             Unknown Composer
Children's Corner # 3             Unknown Composer
Children's Corner # 4             Unknown Composer
Children's Corner # 5             Unknown Composer
Children's Corner # 6             Unknown Composer
I Can See Clearly Now             Unknown Composer
Daybreaker-ELO                    Unknown Composer
Eastenders                        Unknown Composer
ST Elsewhere                      Unknown Composer
The Imperial Death March          Unknown Composer
The Entertainer                   Unknown Composer
Estrel                            Unknown Composer
Eye Sky                           Unknown Composer
Flashdance...What A Feeling       Unknown Composer
Where Have All th Flowers Gone    Unknown Composer
FUR ELISE by L. V. Beethoven      Unknown Composer
Entry of the Gladiators           Unknown Composer
God Father                        Unknown Composer
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road         Unknown Composer
Han Solo and the Princess         Unknown Composer
Hey Hey,My My - Neil Young        Unknown Composer
Homage to ANDRES SEGOVIA          Unknown Composer
I Honestly Love You               Unknown Composer
Honkitnk                          Unknown Composer
I am a Rock                       Unknown Composer
I Heard the Bells                 Unknown Composer
I Just Called to Say I Love U     Unknown Composer
Joy to the World                  Unknown Composer
Jump                              Unknown Composer
La Virgen de la Macarena          Unknown Composer
Life in a Northern Town           Unknown Composer
O Little Town of Bethlehem        Unknown Composer
Peter Gunn                        Unknown Composer
Maggie May                        Unknown Composer
Away in a Manger                  Unknown Composer
Have Yourself Merry Christmas     Unknown Composer
Michelle                          Unknown Composer
It Came Upon a Midnight Clear     Unknown Composer
Mini Dance                        Unknown Composer
Minuet in G                       Unknown Composer
Money for Nothing                 Unknown Composer
Music Box Dancer                  Unknown Composer
Night Moves                       Unknown Composer
The First Noel the Angel ...      Unknown Composer
OLD JOE CLARK'S BOOGIE            Unknown Composer
Orange Blossom Special            Unknown Composer
Off To School Boogie              Unknown Composer
He Played Real Good For Free      Unknown Composer
Rainbows                          Unknown Composer
Rest Life                         Unknown Composer
Believe It or Not!                Unknown Composer
The Rock Island Line              Unknown Composer
Russian                           Unknown Composer
SAILORS BOOGIE                    Unknown Composer
Goodnight Saigon                  Unknown Composer
Santa Clause is Coming to Town    Unknown Composer
Sensation                         Unknown Composer
Sidestep                          Unknown Composer
SOUND OF SILENCE By Paul Simon    Unknown Composer
Silent Night                      Unknown Composer
Somewhere, My Love                Unknown Composer
Soon It's Gonna Rain              Unknown Composer
Spanish Eyes                      Unknown Composer
The Spider Dance - Tarantelle     Unknown Composer
Stand By Me                       Unknown Composer
Star-Spangled Banner              Unknown Composer
Theme From "Star Trek"            Unknown Composer
Star Wars                         Unknown Composer
Stealing the Enterprise           Unknown Composer
Studio Music                      Unknown Composer
Talk To Me - by Stevie Nicks      Unknown Composer
Today                             Unknown Composer
76 Trombones                      Unknown Composer
Two Part Invention #13            Unknown Composer
Two Part Invention                Unknown Composer
Up on the House Top               Unknown Composer
Watch Girl                        Unknown Composer
We Are The World                  Unknown Composer
What Child is This                Unknown Composer
William Tell Overture             Unknown Composer
The Windmills of Your Mind        Unknown Composer
Yankee Doodle                     Unknown Composer
Yoda's Theme                      Unknown Composer


v2.6 (July 26, 2007) - Pure quality

50 new SNDH files (73 tunes).

The latest SNDH addition certainly oozes quality!
>From 505's sonical stimulation in Blubber Tunes, to 
Dubmood's funky tracks used in all the latest D-Bug
hard-drive/Falcon fixes.

This pack also see the advent of a new breed of SNDH,
"SNDH-Digi"! After years of pleas from Lotek Grazey
finally decided on the perilous trip of ripping and
fixing exotic digital tracks, which until now had 
being playable by running the actual game!

The first three SNDH-Digi's are Jochen Hippel first
foray into digital, with the excellent tunes from
Great Giana Sisters, Warp and Stormlord. The tunes
have even being tested on the CT60... anyway what
are you waiting for... happy listening.

Grazey - PHF / Evil - DHS

Composer         Title

505              Shredder
505              Cyborg Clubbing
505              Attack
505              Certain Range
505              Chippy
505              Coffee Break
505              Disco Slide
505              Easy
505              Erde
505              Everything
505              Factored
505              Faster
505              For the Moon
505              Jumper
505              Krabbencocktail
505              Long Ago
505              Nuance
505              On Behalf Of the Queen
505              P7 Action
505              Paracon 8
505              Parkbank
505              Phazer
505              Psycho
505              Reasonless
505              Sinesinger
505              Sphere
505              Thing
505              Thrust
505              Upbuzzer
505              Nowhere
505              Antique
Dma-Sc           Bubble Days
Dubmood          Purple Motions 2nd Reality
Dubmood          Alloy Run
Dubmood          Zabutoms Bice4
Dubmood          Loonies Biohazard
Dubmood          Nukes Chiptune
Dubmood          Vains we are da indians
Dubmood          D-Bug Menu 197
Forestcreature   Sorry Sorry Sorry
Fred Gray        Star Goose
Mad Max          Great Giana Sisters Title Music   SNDH-Digi
Mad Max          Stormlord Title Music             SNDH-Digi
Mad Max          Warp Title Music                  SNDH-Digi
New Frequency    ZPC - TLT Convention
Skinnybone       Trex Warrior
The Source       SDI (Activision)
The Source       Super Hang On
Unknown Composer Heroes of the Lance
Unknown Composer Wanderer 3D


v2.5 (May 11, 2007) - Outline 2007 release

53 new SNDH files (214 tunes).

Here we are back again with an update to the ultimate SNDH archive.

This time Grazey decided to take up a challenge he had buzzing round
his head for quite a while..... to rip EVERY tune from EVERY game
featured on a D-Bug menu.

Most of the common musics/composers had already been ripped
many years ago, but that left weird,exotic formats that until now no
one had dared or been able to rip.....

Ripping these tunes was much more of a challenge than the....
"any monkey can rip megatizer, mad max , whittaker formats".

Anyway he finally succeeded so here you will find 'master pieces'
from the likes of Geoff Camp, Yann Sevin and er....Carlos Perconti
... who?!?!

P.S. Oh and don't mention the Automation archive next :)

Grazey - PHF / Evil - DHS

4-Mat              Heimdall
CS Adams           Head Coach
Martin Barlow      Violator
Allister Brimble   Pro Boxing Simulator
Allister Brimble   Mean Machine
Allister Brimble   Seymour Goes To Hollywood
Allister Brimble   Wacky Darts
Geoff Camp         Spider Spell
Sean Conran        WWF - Wrestle Mania
Chris Denman       Ancient Games
Chris Denman       Charge of the Light Brigade
Chris Denman       Crime City
Chris Denman       Cyber Cop
Chris Denman       Discovery
Chris Denman       Seige Master
Matt Furniss       Ultima VI - The False Prophet
Ashley Hogg        Spikey in Transylvania
Insomnia           Plax Atax
Ken Legace         Knights of the Sky
Archer Maclean     Archer Macleans Pool
Archer Maclean     Jimmy Whites Whirlwind Snooker
Andi McGinty       WWF - European Rampage
Dave Munsie        Evader
Dave Munsie        Frogger
Dave Munsie        Kid Kong
Andrew Oakley      Sqaure Off
Chris Parrish      Attack of the Alien Gun Turrets
Carlo Perconti     Titus the Fox
Paul Robotham      Space 1889
Justin Scharvona   Robozone
Chris Scudds       Cisco Heat
Chris Scudds       Cisco Heat - STe
Andy Severn        Heavy Metal Heroes
Yann Sevin         Cool Croc Twins
Skinnybone         Special Forces
Rudi Stember       Dynablaster
Rudi Stember       The Patrician
Paul Tankard       Dr Who - Dalek Attack
Andrew Taylor      Rodland
Unknown Composer   Countout
Unknown Composer   Dick Tracy
Unknown Composer   Final Command
Unknown Composer   Henriettas Book of Spells
Unknown Composer   Maze
Unknown Composer   Noddy's Playtime
Unknown Composer   Quiz Construction Kit
Unknown Composer   Sleeping Gods Lie
Unknown Composer   Super Space Invaders
Unknown Composer   Wolf Pack
WE Music           Captain Planet
Gary Wheaton       The Cocoons of Jusse
Gary Wheaton       Escapade (Scarborough Fair)
Tony Williams      Smash TV


v2.4 (March 5, 2007) - Dedicated to Richard Joseph

130 new SNDH files (184 tunes).

Quite a while since the last SNDH pack. But Grazey has been beavering away as usual
extracting un-ripped tunes for your enjoyment.

As a fitting tribute to the recently departed Richard Joseph (such a sad loss), we 
include some previously unripped tracks by Richard, notably :-

- Lure of the Temptress, The Adventures of Robin Hood, Legend, 
- Wizkid, Magic Pockets, Megalomania and Steel Empire. 

Grazey - PHF / Evil - DHS

505                   fullscreen digin
505                   Sequences
505                   Xmas
505                   YM2006
505                   Zymplix
Agrajag               3 5k Megademo Menu
Arishem               Rigolo Abstract
Beast                 Blaackel            ; Full versions sent by Beast. Thanks
Beast                 Dodi Dodi           ;
Beast                 Shitt               ;
Beast                 Snabblat            ;
Beast                 Suuuuuvk            ;
Beast                 Xemispoy            ;
Beast                 Yopsimex
Captain Headcrash     Total Vision Inc 3.5k  
Cooper                Znax Hiscores
Count Zero            Hidden Easter Egg   ; Replaces Count_1.sndh , thanks to CZ for info!
Crawdaddy             LameBrain
Crawdaddy             Whatta Hell
Crazy Q               Mindwarp
Crazy Q               NWD-Game Over Test
Crazy Q               Znax ingame tune 1
Crazy Q               Znax ingame tune 2
Deneb                 Puppet Show Loader
Deneb                 Puppet Show Menu
Dma-Sc                Chipping for Cash
Dr Kaya               No Limit Coding
Dubmood               POSTapoclyphse
Epic                  World of Wonder - Legend
Evil                  Enola Gay
Frequent              Dronning
Frequent              Lambo
Frequent              Vrien
gwEm                  Chipping for Cash
Helene                ________________          ; Thanks for your tunes Helene          
Helene                28 Sept 06
Helene                Carsong 1 Micromusic
Helene                Carsong 2
Helene                Eurotrance Versjon
Helene                Fuck The Universe
Helene                Hah
Helene                Hmmmm
Helene                Juuujuu
Helene                Newedit
Helene                Noname (Auf h s tagebuch)
Helene                Nonono
Helene                Nononyesyesyes
Helene                Rescued
Helene                sndh4Christian
Helene                Stray Kittens 1
Helene                tecnotrance
Helene                Temp
Helene                Temptrance
Helene                Testy2000
Helene                Tull
Helene                Version L
Helene                Whatever
Helene                Wronggggg
Illusion              Betty (Golden Dawn 40a)
Illusion              Fucker (Golden Dawn 38)
Kanewood              Memorial
Kenet                 Gameboy
Mad Max               WarpTyme Intro Music   ;Fixed title
Maktone               1st
Maktone               Goldfish
Maktone               Granit
Maktone               Hex
Maktone               Husselhof
Maktone               Nelson
Maktone               Shotgun
Maktone               Varberga
Marcer                2149 Final                ; Thanks for the tunes
Marcer                Marcer 79
Marcer                New Marcer
Marcer                NWD-Ingame 1
Marcer                NWD-Ingame 2
Marcer                NWD-Ingame 3
Marcer                NWD-Intro
Marcer                Sounds Of 1985-2006
Marcer                Square Poker Ingame
Marcer                Square Poker Intro
Marcer                Square Poker Menu
Marcer                Testing 3-Unfinished
Marcer                Xmas Snowman
Marcer                Xmas Snowman SID
Marcer                Znax Credits-first tYMe
Marcer                Znax Menu-Greasy
Monk                  Smalltrip
MSG                   Superfly tune 1
MSG                   Superfly tune 2
MSG                   Superfly tune 3
MSG                   Superfly tune 4
MSG                   Superfly tune 5
MSG                   Superfly tune 6
MSG                   Superfly tune 7
MSG                   Superfly tune 8
MSG                   Superfly tune 9
Nemo                  Bobbin Guru Deva
Remalon               Bitume
Remalon               Dont  Stop
Remalon               Requiem
Remalon               Unlimited Choux
Richard Joseph        Lure of the Temptress
Richard Joseph        The Adventures of Robin Hood
Richard Joseph        Legend
Richard Joseph        Wizkid
Richard Joseph        Magic Pockets
Richard Joseph        Megalomania
Richard Joseph        Steel Empire
Starbuck              A New Beginning             ; Thanks for the tunes
Starbuck              Alf
Starbuck              Every Beginning Is Hard
Starbuck              Her 5
Starbuck              Her 7
Starbuck              Inside
Starbuck              Insomina (Cracktro styled)
Starbuck              Logical Lvl 3
Starbuck              Mislead
Starbuck              Oldschool Chip 1
Starbuck              One Step Foreward
Starbuck              Ready 2 Fight (Lightw 2)
Starbuck              Sonic-Bridge Zone
Starbuck              Sunrise
Starbuck              Urban Shuffle
Techno                Graaal Demo
Techno                Plucked Goose Dune 2
Techno                Puppet Show Digi            ; Replaces Dentro_4.sndh
Techno                Puppet Show Intro
Techno                x Show Intro
Wally Beben           Ultima V Warriors Of Destiny 


v2.3 (August 14, 2006)

50 new SNDH tunes.

This time we're concentrating with simply updating the archive with the latest
tunes which are beating the hell out of the YM chip. Who'd have thought such
sounds would be possible from the humble 2149. But for the discerning YM fan
we've also added the odd oldie to keep you happy.

Enjoy the zaks.

Grazey / Evil

505            96shades
505            52
!Cube          Eye on Scene Maggie
!Cube          Stax Menu 78
!Cube          Back To Basics
Alchemist      Big Floppy People 06
Cerror         Imaginary Friend
Chromex        Hydroxid Dentro
Crazy Q        G-Spot (Party version)
Crazy Q        G-Spot (Final version)
Crazy Q        Phunky Shapeshifter
Dma-Sc         Street Robots
Dma-Sc         Stars of the night
Dma-Sc         Alive 7 Inro
Dma-Sc         Burton Tribute Project
Dma-Sc         CRAUFunk
Dma-Sc         Fighting His Fears
Dma-Sc         Forgotten Figures
Dma-Sc         Oric Demo
Dma-Sc         POOZ - Bonus Tune (Super Mario Land Level 1)
Dma-Sc         ST 20th Ann. Megade
Dma-Sc         Wolf 3D Ending
Dma-Sc         Wolf 3D Get Them
Dma-Sc         Wolf 3D High Score
Dma-Sc         Wolf 3D Interlude
Dma-Sc         Wolf 3D Wondering About My Loved Ones
Dma-Sc         Trials
Dubmood        Destroy the Template
Frequent       Dronning (Not STFM because of DMA drums)
Frequent       Lambo (Not STFM because of DMA drums) 
Frequent       Vrien (Not STFM because of DMA drums) 
Gary           UCM 5 Intro
gwEm           Future Gone Wrong
Keith Tinman   Hudson Hawk
Kenny D        Folk off 'round the field
Lotek Style    Crushed The Majors
Mad Max        2006
Marcer         Bellanotte Chip - O-2006 Invite
Marcer         Bellanotte chippy 200hz
Marcer         Breath Outline
Marcer         The 5th Experiment
Morgan         Garcimore2 Rire reset
MSG            Omtrek/uit/lijn
Sh3            House of the rising sun
Sh3            Jobil
Skidz          Hydroxid Dentro
Stu            Audiosphere
Tao            M143R1
Timbral        Outrun Highway E6
Timbral        Junkie2149


v2.2 (June 2, 2006) - Outline Pack!

250 new SNDH tunes.

Two months since the last SNDH pack and we're back with another update!
In this pack you should find all the very latest chip tunes, including
all those from the ST 20 Year Demo. 

As there are fewer and fewer new tunes to rip I'm setting my ripping
sights on old old stuff. Hence some really horrendous tunes like the
Jeremy Das songs and Vampire's Empire. But to end on a high, praise 
must be given to gwEm who has finally succeeded in making Lotus of 
Hotline's player system/falcon friendly. So enjoy tunes from No Buddies
Land, Synth Dream and Monster Business!

Grazey / Evil 

505                 CPU Eater
!Cube               Wind
!Cube               Earth
!Cube               Water
Acid                TBB Mod Compil 32
Acid                TBB Font Compil 3
Ben Daglish         The Running Man         Replaces daglish\unknown.sndh
Ben Daglish         Dynamite Dux
Ben Daglish         XybotsFix
Bodenstandig 2000   Die Wahrheit
Cerror              Make Some Sense
Chris Denman        Legend of the Lost
Chris Denman        Feudal Lords
Chrispy Noodle      Tiger 1
Chrispy Noodle      Tiger 2
Christian Haupt     Wizmo
Dark Angel          The n Song  
Dave Lowe           Galaxy Force II
Dave Lowe           Turbo Outrun
Divag               La potato
Dma-Sc              Disco Fizz
Dma-Sc              ExoCooper
Dma-Sc              Ninja Action Fighter
Dma-Sc              POOZ Highscores
Dma-Sc              POOZ In Game
Dma-Sc              POOZ Intro Menu
Dma-Sc              POOZ Mini Games
Dma-Sc              POOZ The Lab
Dma-Sc              POOZ In Game
Dma-Sc              ST 20th Ann Megademo
Donald Fakk         Beat Nick
Donald Fakk         Countdown
Donald Fakk         Echoing
Donald Fakk         Echoing (chip)
Donald Fakk         Echoing
Donald Fakk         Flum Hum
Donald Fakk         Human Race Level 4(Chip)
Donald Fakk         Human Race Level 4
Donald Fakk         Jag Rullar
Donald Fakk         Jag Springer Fort
Donald Fakk         Ko And Kossa
Donald Fakk         Kvant Krull Kompott
Donald Fakk         Leif
Donald Fakk         Leif (Chip)
Donald Fakk         Porkchop (Logical mix)
Donald Fakk         Praeludium
Donald Fakk         Earth is Rotten
Donald Fakk         Earth is Rotten (chip)
Donald Fakk         Steam Dream
Donald Fakk         Skit (Delta Cover)
Donald Fakk         Spanking (chip)
Donald Fakk         Spanking
Donald Fakk         Syntax Terror Loader
Donald Fakk         Syntax Terror Loader(chip)
Donald Fakk         Young
Dubmood             Space Journey (extended)     Extended Version
Dubmood             Drumnbice
Dubmood             Monkey Island
Dubmood             Hybridworms Funky Stars
Dubmood             Love Demo and Dope
Dubmood             Anarchy Menu 3 (4-Mat)
Dubmood             Alla man borde ringt
Dubmood             Alla vill till himmelen
Dubmood             Botkyrka VS ST STYLE
Dubmood             Haschkaka LiveInterlude
Dubmood             Herbalizer Live Interlude
Dubmood             Pampradion livebeat
Dubmood             Pampinterlude
Dubmood             Publicea i Media beat
Dubmood             Speedloader I
Dubmood             Speedloader II
Dubmood             Speedloader III
Dubmood             Toffelskater Interlude
Dubmood             Too Drunk to Fuck
Dubmood             ym2149 oh sexy thing edit
Dubmood             WOTW Intro 101
ear dis             peagasm
Gary                UCM 4 IntroName              Fix thanks A$ylum
Gary Wheaton        Trotsky Crazy
Jeremy Das          Radio Controlled Racer
Jeremy Das          Locomotion
Jeremy Das          Oribit 2000
Jeremy Das          Burger Man
Jeremy Das          Jungle Boy
Lee Lee             Automation 391
Lotek Style         Farewell Lil SSD
Lotus               Monster Business
Lotus               Synth Dream
Lotus               No Buddies Land
Maktone             Hero
Maktone             Glory
Maktone             Jewel
Maktone             New Start
Maktone             Reason
Maktone             Shaman
Maktone             Total
Marcer              At House SID
Marcer              Bonita
Marcer              Broken
Marcer              Bubble 2005
Marcer              Bye bye friend
Marcer              Comic Bakery Maxer
Marcer              Conan Remix
Marcer              Disc0 SID
Marcer              Dragonflight Mix
Marcer              Hybris Remix
Marcer              Impossamole Mix
Marcer              I Wish v2
Marcer              Lotus 1 Title Remix
Marcer              New Time
Marcer              Noisy 05
Marcer              Outrun 2005 Remix
Marcer              Trust
Marcer              Sorn Destiny (Digi)
Marcer              Simply Larry
Miggy               Credits
Miggy               Devil
Miggy               EELectric Game Music
Miggy               Hyper dog poo
Miggy               In To Action
Miggy               Jeepers
Miggy               Meow
Miggy               Old gtwee
Miggy               Outback
Miggy               Poker
Miggy               Roar
Miggy               Sisco Sun
Miggy               Stackers
Miggy               Stinky
Miggy               Target
naPO                AC 2006
Nemo                Bobby
Nexus 6             Tuxtrip
Nightbeat           Muslichip
Nik Sen             Locomotion
Nik Sen             Oribit 2000
Paul Shields        JugFixed      (sub tune #3 missing) Good Spot Dubmood!
Philip Linde        Breakbeat
Philip Linde        Ras Atari
Philip Linde        Spraymaali
Remo                Bass Bass Bass
Remo                Beatz
Remo                Bouncy
Remo                Fluffy Bunny
Remo                Mia Mia
Remo                Tough Mothafucka
rubbish             Another Time
Salkin              Hero
Salkin              Ko ko Kossan
Schmx               Temple Of Shid
Schmx               Take This
Schmx               Q Dedication
Schmx               Highway Up North
Schmx               Bonebreaker
Schmx               Eat This
Schmx               Schmx It
Sh3                 teh won
Stefan Jerowski     Blue Angel 69
Stu                 Aharman                   All Stu songs re-released
Stu                 Bomberman                 Thanks Stu for the pack.
Stu                 Boombaya
Stu                 Dark Season
Stu                 Deep
Stu                 Drop Da Domb
Stu                 Dynamite
Stu                 Flower
Stu                 Fex Flicker
Stu                 Funkey
Stu                 Hedgehog
Stu                 Mosquito
Stu                 Mugicha
Stu                 Nervous
Stu                 Player
Stu                 Run
Stu                 Scooter
Stu                 Shampoo Cattle
Stu                 Space Guzzi
Stu                 Stereoid
Stu                 Touriyanse
Stu                 Tympanum
Stu                 Highway Up North
Stu                 Q Dedication
Stu                 Take This
Stu                 Temple Of Shid
Stu                 8 Bit Style
Stu                 Atari Force
Stu                 Atari Underground Chiptune
Stu                 Bee
Stu                 Blip Terror
Stu                 Bombermen
Stu                 Bomb Squad
Stu                 Bombtro
Stu                 Chaser
Stu                 Chiprape
Stu                 Craptro
Stu                 Crime Time
Stu                 Danger
Stu                 Datadance
Stu                 Drop Da Bomb Live Intro
Stu                 Dead Hacker
Stu                 Drumbase
Stu                 Electrox
Stu                 First Sid
Stu                 For Real                 
Stu                 Ghostrider                 
Stu                 Grave Disco                 
Stu                 Hotcom                 
Stu                 Inexistent                 
Stu                 Insectz                 
Stu                 Instreamintro                 
Stu                 Intro                 
Stu                 The Invasion                 
Stu                 Last Minute                 
Stu                 Little Ninja                 
Stu                 Machine                 
Stu                 Mad Creature                 
Stu                 Mushroom                 
Stu                 My Melody                 
Stu                 My Melody SID                 
Stu                 Naughty Brat                 
Stu                 Oldskool                 
Stu                 Panic Intro                 
Stu                 Psychotic                 
Stu                 Race Part Two                 
Stu                 Retina                 
Stu                 Sad Day                 
Stu                 Santa Stu                 
Stu                 Shin                 
Stu                 SID Buzzy                 
Stu                 Space Intro                 
Stu                 Spooky                       
Stu                 Stereoid Digi                
Stu                 Teknoid Bigbeat              
Stu                 Twenty-Five                  
Stu                 Ultimate                     
Stu                 The Unexpected               
Stu                 YMetal                       
Stu                 Megablast                    
The Spoon           Nevermind        
Tony Williams       Chuckie Egg 2        
Tony Williams       Nevermind        
Unknown Composer    Karate Kid Part II        
Unknown Composer    Jigsaw        
Unknown Composer    International Karate
Unknown Composer    Lemmings 2 The Tribes
Unknown Composer    Vampires Empire
Zabutom             Space Journey (extended)     Extended Version
Zabutom             Drumnbice
Zabutom             Pampradion livebeat
Zabutom             ym2149 oh sexy thing edit


v2.1 (April 2, 2006)

100 new SNDH tunes.

First update to the new archive. We've gone for a real mix of tunes, from the 
cutting edge Cerror and Crazy Q tunes to exotic ancient rarities like Bombuzal 
from Ross Goodley. Expect another update very very soon and in the mean time 
enjoy the tunes.

Grazey / Evil

505                8x8_hero                                                 New
505                Dosk                                                     New
505                Gloomy                                                   New
505                Hybrid                                                   New
505                Jingle01                                                 New
505                Loop01                                                   New
505                Smiley                                                   New
505                Sweet                                                    New
505                Triplex02                                                New
505                x2004                                                    New
Atom               TBC_Intro_22                                             New
Beast              Bla_Bla_Bla                                              New
Beast              Blaackel                                                 New
Beast              Boring                                                   New
Beast              Evert                                                    New
Beast              Oldie                                                    New
Beast              Shitt                                                    New
Biasillo_Gari      Slayer                                                   New
Bodenstandig_2000  HRVAT                                                    New
Bodenstandig_2000  Landflucht (Originally in Drax folder, thanks to Stu)  Moved
Brooke_Jas_C       Strike                                                   New
Cerror             Kicking_it_oldschool                                     New
Cerror             Taoism                                                   New
Cerror             Very_Bland                                               New
Crazy_Q            Bouncing_TITS                                            New
Crazy_Q            Chameleon                                                New
Crazy_Q            Crushed_Insect_(orig)                                    New
Crazy_Q            Crushed_Insect_(RG_mix)                                  New
Crazy_Q            DHS_Change_Disk_1                                        New
Crazy_Q            Intro_v2                                                 New
Crazy_Q            Mad_Monkey_Funk_Fu                                       New
Crazy_Q            Monolouge(1ch Minimalism)                                New
Crazy_Q            Parallax_Lover                                           New
Crazy_Q            Sex_Droid                                                New
Crazy_Q            Snake_Funk                                               New
Crazy_Q            Zipp_Zapp_Space_Attack                                   New
Dubmood            Space_Journey                                            New
ENS_Music          ENS_8                                                    New
Floopy             Cassiope                                                 New
Floopy             Quasar                                                   New
Floopy             Teletubb                                                 New
Goodley_Ross       Bombuzal                                                 New
gwEm               Acidic_Tears                                             New
gwEm               Bangin_Nights                                            New
gwEm               Coding_on_E                                              New
gwEm               Crikey_wot_a_tune                                        New
gwEm               Disco_Snax                                               New
gwEm               e Oxygene_Loader                                         New
gwEm               Forever_Ardcore                                          New
gwEm               Golden_Years_(orig)                                      New
gwEm               Golden_Years_(used)                                      New
gwEm               Love_Washed_Away_the_Tide                                New
gwEm               maxYMise                                                 New
gwEm               Outlined                                                 New
gwEm               Ravin                                                    New
gwEm               ULS_Loader                                               New
gwEm               Underground_Like_the_Wombles                             New
gwEm               YM303_Ruffneck                                           New
Iso                Art, I Presume                                           New
Iso                Buzzzzzzzing                                             New
Iso                Crazy_Thing_(DBA_9)                                      New
Iso                Holland_is_OK                                            New
Iso                Introtune                                                New
Iso                Its_Happening                                            New
Iso                Juicy_Alcohol                                            New
Iso                Kamagurka                                                New
Iso                Knuckle_Joe                                              New
Iso                Kop_Houwe                                                New
Iso                Last_Yell                                                New
Iso                Left_Handed                                              New
Iso                Patat_met_Kroket                                         New
Iso                People_Let_Go                                            New
Lotek_Style        Datapirate                                               New
Lotek_Style        Spieler 1, Los!                                          New
Mad_Max            1                                                      Fixed
Mad_Max            2                                                      Fixed
Mad_Max            AJH99                                                  Fixed
Mad_Max            Buzzer                                                 Fixed
Mad_Max            Loading                                                Fixed
Mad_Max            Solidify                                               Fixed
Mad_Max\Demos      Virtual_Escape-End_Part                                Fixed
Monkhouse_Bob      phoneomenon                                              New
No_More            Intro                                                    New
No_More            Leif_Rular                                               New
No_More            Unexpected                                               New
Scavenger          Avenger (Duplicate, Thanks Avenger)                  Deleted
Shields_Paul       Airball (Bug fixed, thanks Stefan Lindberg for report) Fixed
Starbuck           Hurry_Scurry                                             New
Starbuck           Memories                                                 New
Starbuck           Shorty                                                   New
Timbral            Mandarine_Street                                         New
Timbral            Sanna _Suck_My_Nectar                                    New
Timbral            YM_Still_Here                                            New
TPM                Journey_Centre_of_Earth                                  New
Whittaker_David    First_Person_Pinball                                     New
Whittaker_David    Solomons_Key                                             New
Whittaker_David    Stormbringer                                             New
Williams_Tony      Edd_The_Duck                                             New
Williams_Tony      Judge_Dredd                                              New
Williams_Tony      Teenage_Mutant_Hero_Turtles                              New
Zabutom            Space_Journey                                            New


v2.0 (February 25, 2006)

- Complete rebuild of the SNDH archive. 2246 SNDH-files included.
